Low manipulation regimens...


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have one? Mine is probably extreme. I wash once every 3 weeks (yes I said it), rollerset and flat iron with a serum, comb and put in serum/oil once a week, only wear my hair down on some weekends, and pretty much dont touch it throughout the week other than to pin curl at night. What about you? What effects have you seen?
Girl, I hear you. I just washed my hair after 11 days!!!That's not like me but as my hair gets longer I just don't feel like dealing with it.

I used to wash it 1x/week and then briefly went to 2x/week but I just prefer to leave my hair alone so I'm going to shoot for washing every 7-9 days again.
I got a UPA clip. It's like crack! I'm completely addicted to having a nice looking (non-bun) style that I don't have to do ANYTHING to! Each morning and evening I spray my hair (don't even bother to take the braid down) w/ moisturizer or amla tea add a little oil and the pony. At night tie it down with a scarf. I pretty much only touch my ends on wash days and even then I only detangle once every other wash (once/week).

I'm not even doing this to retain length anymore. I've just gotten lazy.
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CW once a week...add some gel and glycerin...and go. put on scarf at night...spray a little leave-in in the morning...finger fluff

I can't remember the last time I deep conditioned or detangled...

DelightfulFlame said:
CW once a week...add some gel and glycerin...and go. put on scarf at night...spray a little leave-in in the morning...finger fluff

I can't remember the last time I deep conditioned or detangled...


Delightful your corrective looks fantastic. Good job, girl!
I'm in this club too. Other than wearing my hair in a protective style with my phony pony, I like to wear it down too.

What I'll do is wash it every 2 weeks and now that it's easier to straighten- rollerset it or flatiron ...after doing that the trick is to leave it alone and I mean absolutley no combing daily, maybe finger comb but thats it.
I notice I get less shedding and breakage when I cut the combing out.

:lol: you might be thinking that I might look a mess but I don't think I do ( I want to post a pic up one day)...I think it looks sexy. Sorry I'm rambling :phone: I'll stop now.
Wash 2-3 times a week (lately 2x,in a hurry most days). Mostly just CW, sometimes shampoo. Comb thru in the shower, blot dry. Spray some Patene, oil it, and put in a bun. Daily spritz with distilled water and smooth with oil (leaving bun undisturbed). Deep treatments every 2 weeks or so, same maintenance regimen.
When I have time/inclination I plan to dye it jet-black.
I wash, condition, detangle and rollerset once a week. During the week I just fuff and use a bit of oil sheen. Since I was natural not long ago, I don't care if my hair gets fluffy as the week goes on. I just go with it.
*Dee* said:
I'm in this club too. Other than wearing my hair in a protective style with my phony pony, I like to wear it down too.

What I'll do is wash it every 2 weeks and now that it's easier to straighten- rollerset it or flatiron ...after doing that the trick is to leave it alone and I mean absolutley no combing daily, maybe finger comb but thats it.
I notice I get less shedding and breakage when I cut the combing out.

:lol: you might be thinking that I might look a mess but I don't think I do ( I want to post a pic up one day)...I think it looks sexy. Sorry I'm rambling :phone: I'll stop now.

I remember the sexy phony that was in your signature for while. :yep:
I been thinking about doing this also, but I'm addicted to washing/rinsing my hair EVERYDAY, I am using products way to fast therefore spending too much money, that could be going towards other things ya know...I'm gonna try it though this week, I washed last night and baggied soooo I'm gonna try not to touch it again at least for 7 days no longer than 2 weeks...
I wash twice a week but i would honestly love to wash once a week and not have to worry about manipulating my hair for a whole 7 days....

IF ONLY i knew how to rollerset! my life would be SO much easier. the MAIN reason why i wash twice a week is because my hair gets dry and tangled after 3 days with airdrying these days.

i KNOW for sure that if i were to rollerset, the moisture would really seal in, my hair would be healthier, WOULD LOOK CUTE, and not a hot mess like it does sometimes, and everything would be great.

sad thing is, i'm 2 weeks away from being a broke college student at a predominantly white school, dont know where i could find someone to rollerset for me. oughta learn how to do it myself, huh?
I'm trying to go back to washing every two weeks (except when I'm in box braids since I can wet my hair with no breakage then)... I agree that it is healthier for my hair because it allows me to avoid breakage and tangles. And I'm so lazy about washing and detangling.
Super low manipulation here. I have been doing this for the past few mos and it is the bomb. It is a lazy girl's dream.

Wash once a week. Cowash once a week (each wash includes deep conditioning)

Moisturize twice daily with a spray moisturizer that I made (out of conditions and water). I find that spraying in a moisturizer rather than parting and applying cuts waaay down on manipulation

Seal with a spray oil (can't get more no manipulation than that-I put my oils in a spray bottle for the same reasons as above).

Comb only on wash days.

Baggie ends every night. Apply silk scarf to sleep in!
rootdeep said:
I keep it as simple as possible. I go to my stylist and get a wash every 2 weeks FAITHFULLY. One week I wear it down the next it goes up. I'm going to either play around with wetting my ends with oil and my water/conditioner mix and do a roller set OR I've been eyeing this bun all day. Printing it out now...http://www.dressytresses.com/hair/gallery/instruct/chinese-bun/

I love this style! Definitely gonna have to try this bun.
I wash every two-three weeks, twists and that's it. I dont' wear it out at all. I'm thinking about relaxing so maybe I'll to do more then.
I want to do the low to no combing thing until wash day but I cannot get my curls to fall right and blend unless I do. I tried fingercombing and it does not make my curls uniform enough.
rootdeep said:
I keep it as simple as possible. I go to my stylist and get a wash every 2 weeks FAITHFULLY. One week I wear it down the next it goes up. I'm going to either play around with wetting my ends with oil and my water/conditioner mix and do a roller set OR I've been eyeing this bun all day. Printing it out now...http://www.dressytresses.com/hair/gallery/instruct/chinese-bun/
Girrrrl, that bun is too cute!! I just tried to print it, but I guess you have to be a member...:perplexed
Girl you better do a quick PRINT SCREEN and paste it over in word or paint and then print! LOL!! I have a screen capturing program at the office that allows me to copy it and print it.

shunta said:
Girrrrl, that bun is too cute!! I just tried to print it, but I guess you have to be a member...:perplexed
The reason I ask, I am a :newbie: by the way. While reading alot of post alot of women seem to do co wash 2 x a week or even 3 x a week.
so r u saying it is ok if u dont wash ur hair for a 5-7 day's or 3 weeks and your hair will thrive. I just want to understand correctly

tina :confused:
Hmmm...Im still new myself but what works for me wont always work for you necessarily. One of the main reasons I go 2 weeks is because I dont like playing around in my hair myself. I used to be a heat queen and when I found a stylist that specialized in healthy hair care and not about being on the cover of "Shananee's SHUNUFF Weave Emporium and Barber Shop" I went to keeping things simple.

I have been playing around with cowashing but I think Im going to stop. What I HAVE done is wet my ends with water conditioner and oil and put it up in a bun the week before seeing my stylist.

Its pretty trial and error. Play around with different methods and pick which one will make your hair thrive.