LOVEYA4EVER Updated Her Fotki!

Her hair is the bizness. I say that her length is my ultimate goal but I don't think I can handle all of that.
Wow, she's got to have the longest set of black hair I've seen, and she has a relaxer to boot with no lye! :D Simply stunning! :love:
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Aww snap going to check it out now. I checked a while back and didn't see any updates she's one of my fav's!!!:grin:
I had to get out of her album. I was seriously getting sick looking at her and her sister's hair. Just plain jealousy on my side. :'( Even when I make it to WL, it will NEVER look like that. It's so naturally thick.
that some hairrrrrrrrrr!!!!--- ;o)

what would you consider her hair type---i see her wave pattern but im unsure?
Man, I remember her. I think I have her saved in my favorites. WHY did OP post this thread?

Gosh, I can hardly stand to look at all that relaxed hair when I was thinking about transitioning.

Too beautiful! Going back to gawk at her pictures.
wowza!!!!! :thud:

Her hair is exceptional! It's not just long, there is this beauty to it!! It's alive!!!!!
I can't see myself ever having hair like that!