
Yes... It feels like a very, very slow death that drains everything out of you and takes nil to nothing for you to sleep weeks out of your life away to stop the pain...:yep:
Been there...but you know what? Nothing much you can do about just have to let it take it's course and next thing you know? You'll realize: "Hey, I don't care about him anymore." :perplexed

Until then, here are some tips:

*Make a new friend online
*Start a new project
*Write it all down
*Cry *As many times you need to* (You can't move on unless you accept that you're hurting):nono:
*KNOW that it wasn't YOUR fault!
*Give yourself TIME to heal


Good Luck and I hope you feel better!
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Take this time to enjoy being you. Thank GOD you are still alive and see it as if being with this dude was a sign from GOD. I've just went through this phase now im in the work on me and figure out what went wrong phase. I went two months of dying inside and couldnt eat for days at a time I lost so much weight but now I realize just as much as I maybe missing him he missing me as well. Take up a new hobby or hang with your girls get some bonding time in with family this is a time even thoug feel you want to be left alone you shouldnt be. The time you spend doing other things and keeping busy you'll let go faster and be a better you. Hope that helps!
I WOuldnt look at it as being a bad thing, dont focus on the why has it has its reasons. Just look at it as the next positive stage in your life. If you focus on a negative too much it begins to comsume you and so you eat and feel it and it affects your behaviour.
Some people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. He probably came to your life gave you something and probably took away from you too (not a bda thing - you may have helped him grow like he did you) and you have both fulfilled your reasons to be with one another.
The above ideas are great and I would really look into something that takes your focus away from him.

But having said all this when a relationship ends we lose a little part of ourself and so feelings of loss and/or grief are very normal. Give yourself some time to accept what has happened but limit that time and then set small goals and make sure that you work towards them. Tell yourself that you feel better (when your given "self time" is up) and take, make and carry out actions that will make you feel better.
How you feel affects your behaviour and your behaviour affects how you feel. tell that voice inside your head that this is a learning curve that you will get past it and it will only take as long as you allow it to just tell yourself it neednt be 1 month or 1 year it can be a couple of weeks.

Just make sure you give yourself a chance to rest and recover

Take care hun, its not a nice place to be but how long you stay there is up to you.


:deadhorse:Yep, been there done that, lost a lot of weight ...(that I couldn't afford to loose!)

I agree to give yourself time to grieve, but it is v-e-r-y important to LIMIT the GREIF period, PERIOD!
Use this time (as a positive) opportunity to reflect and learn.:crystalba

Other than that there's not too much that you can do that is healthy for you.
Thank you :kiss:
Yes... It feels like a very, very slow death that drains everything out of you and takes nil to nothing for you to sleep weeks out of your life away to stop the pain...:yep:
Been there...but you know what? Nothing much you can do about just have to let it take it's course and next thing you know? You'll realize: "Hey, I don't care about him anymore." :perplexed

Until then, here are some tips:

*Make a new friend online
*Start a new project
*Write it all down
*Cry *As many times you need to* (You can't move on unless you accept that you're hurting):nono:
*KNOW that it wasn't YOUR fault!
*Give yourself TIME to heal


Good Luck and I hope you feel better!
Oh to have that feeling again.:love2:

I haven't been lovesick since highschool. Although it hurt, it was nice to experience the emotional connection ya know?:blush3:

You gon be alright CupCake......let it run it's course.:kiss:
this thread just made me realise i am lovesick too i wrote bout my situation about a week ago when i wanted to break up with my bf a week before valentines day well we did break up n for a while i was ok cause although i missed him i realised we hadnt been together for ages so i can move on quickly ..not happening :nono: i miss him like crazy n im always thinking about him even though i dont want to, i even dreamt about him last night :look: im yearning for him. This whole situation isnt enough for me to cry or anything just overwhelming thoughts of him

ive deleted his txts but still have his little things like dvds here n still have his number in my phone and hes still in my friend list on msn i sign on hes there and we dont talk to each other (he isnt talking to me since i broke up wiith him) last week i was fine its just since saturday hes been constantly on my mind and i keep wondering if i made the right decision, if i gave up too quickly, if i couldve handled things differently i feel like its all my fault since it was my decision n i also wonder if hes missing me at all or if hes moved on :rolleyes: yes i know im torturing myself

sorry for the slight highjack with my problems there, but girl im going thru the same thing
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Im going through the same thing. One thing I have learnt so far is not to think he's somewhere feeling as bad as you are. Its most likely he's not and if u let urself think that way you WILL contact him and what a blow it will be to find him seemingly unfazed. its all about you this time and although I felt a physical withdrawal and emotional numbness, I know it will get better...we all will get better *hugs*
I'm right there with you. It'll be four weeks tomorrow since we broke up and I'm telling you now that it will get better. I still cry but it doesn't hurt as much now as it did two weeks ago and that's all I can ask. Letting yourself cry is the best advice because it'll happen randomly. Keep some tissues and some Visine. My problem was maintaining communication with him- it made me feel worse. He really wasn't ready for the relationship to end, but he broke up with me. :perplexed So, basically I told him we can be friends in the future but I need some time to learn how to function as a complete individual right now