Lovely Ladies, Inspire Me


New Member
Ok ladies....
I absolutely LOVE going back to old threads and reading about a EL/SL sista loooonging for bra-strap length and when I look at their siggie present day they're BSL-MBL-even the worship worthy WSL.

I LOVE IT. It excites me.
I mean it.
Moreso than my SO would...looking at me in that....way he does... :lick:.
Its just something about the eagerness in the initial post and the actuality of their goals being met...reaching past the point they ever thought they would.

So lovely ladies...if you are at a point you NEVER thought you would accomplish, at a length you never thought was your story! Encourage! Even post pictures.

My latest story: I started this journey at SL..and I recently realized I was bra-strap length. I never thought I would be here. I mean..I'm very serious about my goals, regimen, etc...but deeeeeeeep down? Despite all the "your hair is so pretty, its getting so long, what are you doing to your hair" comments,....I never thought I would be here. Being completely real and open with you ladies. Hair failure, I suppose. Going back to old threads...for example when BostonMaria(Hope you don't mind love) looooonged for SL and now has a beautiful healthy head of WSL hair kept me going. I'm hoping this will do the same for you ladies. :hug2:
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Great encouragement for ladies like me who are still stuck at SL after MONTHS of hard work. My hair reached APL but only on one side :lachen: so I had to trim it to even it last month. Please come in ladies and give me and others like me hope here :grin: oh and with pictures too :lick:
I'm definitely one living a dream. I started in Oct 07 with SL and I am now past WSL (reached June 2010).

I'll be back to post my story. It's boring but I hope it helps someone not to give up.
LOL I highly doubt its boring! SL-WSL...3 years? Pretty frickin amazing.

No really. I did things straight. Nothing fancy.

I didnt have long hair as a child so thats out.

I had SL or shorter most of my life.

I decided to take care of my hair because it was cheaper. I decided to grow it because my ex-SO liked long hair. Pretty simple.

I stalked these pages day and night getting as much knowledge as I could to build a decent regimen.

My regimen has changed so many times but I stick to same principles: moisturize, strength, and protect my ends.

My hair products has changed so many times. I dont think I use any now that I used when I first started. I relax 4 times a year (I use Lye relaxers). My relaxers have changed as well. I relax but maintain some texture (not really texlax).

Its all about technique and patience. Give it time and you will see results. The less breakage you see the better but breakage, knots, and splits happen. Dust your ends and move on.

I didnt have any setbacks. I didnt style my hair much. Buns, ponytails, braidouts, and the occasional flat-iron.

Like I said boring. But it grows
that is great and I am really hoping to see this in my 3rd yr. my 2 yr aniv is here but didn't start letting my hair grow back until feb so I am coming from then for the growth. so feb 2012 I want to be where you are now.