Love Affair w/ Paul Mitchell Products


Well-Known Member
So I've come to realization that my hair just may be having a love affair with Paul Mitchell products. They go so well with my hair. I ran out to Ulta to pick up clarifying shampoo and protein treatment and decided to gather all the PM products I have when I got home:


I don't use the tee tree products that much but the rest are keepers! The Super Strong Shampoo strengthens my hair, I experience minimal breakage and the Super-Charged Moisturizer is a a staple deep conditioner.

I picked up the clarifying shampoo, super strong treatment, and instant moisturizer tonight, and will be trying them for the 1st time tomorrow but I'm sure I'll love them as well :)
You are not the only one. I love love the number two and three clarifying and the super charged mositure. There isn't one thing I haven't tried from Paul Mitchell that I don't love. My kids even use the detangling kids spray and the shampoo. But I don't hear much about Paul Mitchell on this board.
You are not the only one. I love love the number two and three clarifying and the super charged mositure. There isn't one thing I haven't tried from Paul Mitchell that I don't love. My kids even use the detangling kids spray and the shampoo. But I don't hear much about Paul Mitchell on this board.

I don't either. I did many searches looking for reviews but was disappointed when I didn't find many.
I love PM The Conditioner. There are some ladies here that use the products but they probably use the abbrivation of "PM".
your collection looks yummy :lick: i like paul mitchell products too, and i really want to try the super skinny serum. i have the sally's generic knockoff and i love it. paul mitchell the detangler is really good too.
I am natural and i like the conditioner and round trip to define and hold my curls. I have used the whole skinny line to straighten my hair and it was awesome so I reccomend the super skinny serum and gloss drops for shine. Ulta salon has a coupon for 20% off right now. I would befriend a worker there too b/c they have friends and family coupons all the time. HTH
My hair loves PM too! When I was relaxed, I would bring my PM products, because everything they would buy from distributor would break me out all across the scalp and face. I never had a reaction to their products. I still use it as a natural; the skinny serum for sure.
I've re-introduced some of the "Old" Tried & True Originials back into my Stash. Specifically Nexxus & Paul Mitchell:yep:

In the Paul Mitchell Line:

Super Charged Moisturizing Conditioner
The Masque
Hair Repair
The Conditioner
Super Strong Treatment

To name a few....:look:
I just used the clarifying shampoo (Shampoo Two) and Super Strong Treatment for the first time today and I had a hairgasm! I've been wary of clarifying shampoos because I've never found one that didn't make my hair feel stripped.... that is, until today!!! Shampoo Two is now my go to clarifying shampoo. My hair felt clean but not stripped at all.

I used the Super Strong Treatment as my protein treatment (in preparation for my touch up on Friday). I applied it to my hair, making sure I go to the newgrowth, and left it on for a about 3 minutes with a plastic shower cap. I rinsed out and was genuinely suprised! My fingers glided through my hair, my cuticles were laid down and my hair felt so strong. I wasn't expecting that at all. I've found a new love! I could slide my fingers from root to tip with ease, with 10 weeks worth of new growth.

I'm currently sitting under my heating cap w/ the Super Charged Moisturizer in my hair. Can't wait to see the final results. I'm might even push my touch up back another 2 weeks because my hair feels so manageable.
Paul Mitchell The Conditioner is the best moisturizer I've ever tried. I use that and the skinny serum for rollersets and they always come out great.

I love mostly all of his products that I've tried but I only buy them when they're on sale.
I love Paul Mitchell too. I keep telling myself I'm going to start using the Super-Charged conditioner again.