Lost my apartment, Please pray for me


I received a call Monday from one of my friends that my apartment was on fire. When I rushed home, I found that the fire department had to enter my apartment to control the fire of the resident next door to me. The couple living next to me was frying chicken and was outdoors for some domestic issue when the flames got out of control. Since the fire dept could not enter the apartment, they had to enter the apartment thru the roof of my bathroom. My entire bathroom and kitchen were distroyed. I was able to save my clothing, some furniture, and other items. I am not upset (well at first I was) but I know that I can not question what God is doing, and this may be my blessing. Lord knows I needed new furniture anyway. Please pray that I make it thru this next week and I find a new apt this weekend.

Thank you ladies!!
I received a call Monday from one of my friends that my apartment was on fire. When I rushed home, I found that the fire department had to enter my apartment to control the fire of the resident next door to me. The couple living next to me was frying chicken and was outdoors for some domestic issue when the flames got out of control. Since the fire dept could not enter the apartment, they had to enter the apartment thru the roof of my bathroom. My entire bathroom and kitchen were distroyed. I was able to save my clothing, some furniture, and other items. I am not upset (well at first I was) but I know that I can not question what God is doing, and this may be my blessing. Lord knows I needed new furniture anyway. Please pray that I make it thru this next week and I find a new apt this weekend.

Thank you ladies!!

God will see you through this. I will be praying for you!
I'm so sorry about this. My heart and prayers are with you too. All will be restored; I'm so glad you're safe and alive to begin again.

((( hugs )))
I received a call Monday from one of my friends that my apartment was on fire. When I rushed home, I found that the fire department had to enter my apartment to control the fire of the resident next door to me. The couple living next to me was frying chicken and was outdoors for some domestic issue when the flames got out of control. Since the fire dept could not enter the apartment, they had to enter the apartment thru the roof of my bathroom. My entire bathroom and kitchen were distroyed. I was able to save my clothing, some furniture, and other items. I am not upset (well at first I was) but I know that I can not question what God is doing, and this may be my blessing. Lord knows I needed new furniture anyway. Please pray that I make it thru this next week and I find a new apt this weekend.

Thank you ladies!!

Praying for you during this hard time....
My heart goes out to you! God is a master restoration and everything you lost will be restored! Just said a prayer for you.
I received a call Monday from one of my friends that my apartment was on fire. When I rushed home, I found that the fire department had to enter my apartment to control the fire of the resident next door to me. The couple living next to me was frying chicken and was outdoors for some domestic issue when the flames got out of control. Since the fire dept could not enter the apartment, they had to enter the apartment thru the roof of my bathroom. My entire bathroom and kitchen were distroyed. I was able to save my clothing, some furniture, and other items. I am not upset (well at first I was) but I know that I can not question what God is doing, and this may be my blessing. Lord knows I needed new furniture anyway. Please pray that I make it thru this next week and I find a new apt this weekend.

Thank you ladies!!

How are you doing?
Sorry to hear this happened to you. Did your neighbors loose everything?

I'll say a prayer for you. A situation like this can be very nerve wrecking. Just trust that everything will fall into place.
My prayers are with you dear. I'm sorry this happened to you, but keep the faith and He will work it out for you. Matter of fact, it is already done and all is well! ((((HUGS)))))
I'm sorry that this happened to you, elaine! I pray that God will deliver you and strengthen you through this situation!

By the way, I live in the same city and state as you! If you ever need anything, I will be happy to assist! :)
I really thank God for each and everyone of you!! When praises go up, blessings come down and I have really felt the prayers that each one of
you prayed for me. I received more than I had in my old apartment. Also my
new apartment is much nicer. I am one who hates to move and maybe this was a way of blessing me with a better place.

I just feel so humbled to know that there are sisters in this world who are so unselfish and willing to take a moment to share in my grief (it was actually a blessing!)

If at anytime I can bless any of you the way you have blessed me, I will not hesistate.

Hugs and Kisses to all the ladies of LHCF