losing my hair =(


New Member
hello ladies,
i wanted to know if any of you went through what im going through and if you did what you did to turn the situation around.
so, this started out a long time ago, but i let the situation be and now it's worse.
when i first started losing my hair it was just a quarter size patch and it wasn't all gone, it was about .5 cm long, then it stayed like that for a year or so and i decided to shave it (just that small patch) because i figured that it was damaged and it never grew back, it stayed at about 1mm. now the patch is HUGE and i went to the doctor to get a blood test to rule out anemia or thyroid problems.
turns out i don't have anything wrong with me in that sense...but i know SOMETHING's going on =(
any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated...im so sad

ps.: i went to a derm once but she didn't do much, i was supposed to go back but right now i can't money wise and transportation wise (student, and no car) but she did say that i am not bald there as i do have 1 mm worth of hair there (yay me *sarcastic*)
also i hadnt relaxed my hair in half a year, but i caved and did because it was getting to be a bit much
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Have you ruled out alopecia areata?


I've had recur 2 or 3 times in the same area, the first time it occurred I went to a dermatologist and she diagnosed it as such and administered steroid shots to the area and it started filling in within 2 weeks. The next 2 times it happened (over a 5 year period or so) I let them grow back on its own and it took much longer. If this hasn't been brought up as a possibility I would inquire. I'm not sure if this is it since you mentioned the hair wasn't all gone initially, in my case the hair in the nickle to quarter sized section completely fell out, but it doesn't hurt to look into it.

Good luck!

ETA: Just saw your edits that touch on my last point a little bit.
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Similar situation with me except I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. I had a patch of hair that fell out at the top back of my head. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time because I had SO much hair. Fast forward a couple of years, the patch never seem to really grow back. I would get peach fuzz to a couple of centimeters and that was it. It just seem like it wouldn't grow. The patch eventually grew wider and wider. Beginning of this year I finally saw a derm who diagnosed me and started me on steroid shots. I stuck with the month shots for ~4 - 5 months before stopping them. The area where I got the shots is growing back :) I just don't like the idea of the steroids so I stopped. Right now I'm doing things like ayurvedic hair care, the inversion method, scalp massages and frequent washing to help. Good luck in figuring out the best course of action for you.
I had alopecia twice in my crown area and it was clean bald the first time! Second time is was a peach fuzz. Both times I wore braids for a few months and just kept that area moisturized and clean as I did the rest of my hair. It took a few months, but eventually it grew back.
aww guys <3 thanks bunches for all your replies and suggestions. i really cant go back to the derm right about now, but i will as soon as i graduate and get a job (i graduate in 1.5 months, it's about time too, been in school forever, but that's another story lol)
right now im def gonna look into seborrheic dermatitis and see what i can do by myself. right now im applying wild hair growth oil (best oil ever), massaging it and yadda yadda, but its not really helping my patch. i also recently restarted taking msm, we'll see