losing hair at crown area: HELP!!!


New Member
i just noticed that there's a widening space in my crown area. i don't know if it's from always parting my hair there or what. is there anything i can use to restore growth there? i don't want to end up looking like "mo" from the three stooges. HELP!!!
See a dermatologist or a trichologist. It may be hereditary like greAtness said. I have an aunt who is nearly bald, due to hereditary.
Hair loss expert logging in!!! I was losing my hair and went to 3 dermatologiststs. 1 said male pattern baldness (sounds like what you are describing) and the other 2 said alopecia. They all prescribed the same treatment as follows--5% rogaine (for men) am; 12% rogaine pm; emu oil on scalp once daily; nioxin scalp therapy twice weekly, wash hair twice weekly; scalp detoxifications every 2 months; no hair styles that will put tension on my scalp. You can also put azelic acid and retin A on your scalp to speed up cell turnover and to make the products penetrate faster. I get injections in my scalp every 2 months. Since January, I have seen a tremendous growth in hair in areas where it was falling out. Log on to minoxidil.com--there is a wealth of information. Dr. Lee form minoxidil.com also provides consultations and he is very, very good (I saw him!!) Good Luck and try not to stress out! It is possible to save and regrow your hair but it takes early, aggressive treatment.
WHOA!!! male pattern baldness! hereditary hairloss!!! bi monthly treatments!!!! now i'm getting scared! i mean i have a head full of hair, but this one space is giving me trouble; only i didn't realize how serious it could be.

i'm barely feeding my pj'ism; i doubt if i could afford a consultation... and rogain? damn!!! once you start that you can never stop, can you?

ok, breathe... what is nioxin scalp therapy, how much does it cost, and where can i get some? same goes for the emu oil...
vickid said:
You can also put azelic acid and retin A on your scalp to speed up cell turnover

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't surge do this also? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought it did because it contains MSM. Also, I would recommend adding essential fatty acids to your vitamin regimine; these will help moisturize and nourish your scalp from the inside, so make sure you're taking evening primrose oil, and at least a tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day. I would also recommend taking a b-complex each day, in case you're losing hair for stress related reasons. Also, taking MSM is helpful also as well as biotin. Lastly, make sure you see a doctor to make sure your hair problems aren't health related (low iron levels, hormone imbalance, thyroid...etc...). That's my 2 cents. Good luck and tell us how it goes.
Call me the natural freak... Before I resort to chemicals or orthodox medicine, I always give natural remedies a try first. The two websites I list below are replete with very good suggestions that are worth giving a try. Because you'll need to massage the oils into your scalp, the thread on massaging the scalp (which I'll go find and post its link), is well worth reading. I once read somewhere that massaging the scalp not only stimulates your follicles but also helps keep your scalp loose. If you notice, bald pple have very smooth TIGHT scalps. So aim to keep you scalp nice and loose and supple. Also, watch what you eat, do exercises and breathe deep, not shallow. I know that sounds weird, but for your follicles to be nourished, your blood must be rich with nutrients and oxygen, so the more clean air you breathe, the better for your whole body. And the more you exercise, the better your circulation and hence the chances that nutrients are reaching where they are needed.


The Search function keeps taking me to the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" window so I guess it's down. I'll post the link to the thread on how to massage the scalp another time -- unless someone else beats me to it.
thanx nonie... i just visited the website and i'm going to get the suggested essential oils and see what happens...
here's hopingXXX (fingers crossed)
It may simply be stress, is there something in your life that is bothering you?

Also try to take a B Complex Vitamin, many black women are low on Folic Acid, it helps your body to make oxygen for skin and hair regeneration. It is included in the B complex. It is also an excelent Vitamin for stress.

I've been taking it faithful for a month after a combination of stress and surgery made my hair begin to shedd. My hair has stop shedding altogether and my skin has brighten up as well.

Make sure you also check your hair care products, in my case I found that my shampoo was drying out my hair (Ammonia Lural Sulfate). I combination of the wrong things can cause problems as well.

Let us know..........................
thanx donda... i'm going to incorporate biotin, b complex, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil and more water into my diet...

i noticed that the spot that has lost hair is where i used to put my phoney tail for all those years. i hope its just traction alopecia and not something more complex...
sylviaetc, I was also having problems with a thinning area at my crown. Mine came from relaxer damage. I did the BC last month and after a month and a half that area was still thin. A short time ago, I started mixing a few drops of rosemary oil with the regular oils that I use and I've already noticed that area is filling in. You might want to try that if all else fails.