Loreal's Nature's Therapy


New Member
Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

Why is the product so expensive for the sizes that you get? I really would like to try this line and look at it everytime I go to Sally's. But, I just can't get myself to spend the money when the bottles are so small. I desperately want to try LUST but for 8.99 and such a small jar, I know I'd use it up in just one treatment!

How do you guys get by on such small jars?
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

Maybe you can wait for it to go on sale. I'm not sure if it comes in sample sizes too, but if it does you should try out the sample first to see if it justifies spending $8.99 for the full-sized product.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

soulchild, the sample size is so small, it would only cover less than a 4th of my hair! And it's $1.99!

Does a little go a long way? I tend to use a lot of conditioner - rather thick or thin.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

Hairlove, it might be worth trying since it has such rave reviews on this board. The consistence is not thin, it's definatley thicker than Suave Humectant.

Another thing to consider is, there is always the Swap & Exchange board. Then you might get to try a new product out.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I bought it when they were still fairly new, around March of this year I guess. You could mail in your receipt and they'll refund you $6.99 if you bought 2 of their products. Something like that... I tried 2 of them (the shampoo and taming lotion) and I didn't like it for my hair. It's like Victoria Secret's lotion compared to Vaseline Dry skin lotion--the first is just fancy shancy, the second just does its job. I like simple, so I gave mines away.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I like to use generous amounts of conditioner and do with LUST as well but maybe not AS much and I don't need to because I find it goes a fairly long way. I use approx a good heaped tablespoon of it? once the hair is wet its very flat anyway so its easier to cover the hair well (hope that makes sense). Allandra has alot of hair and loves it. Maybe ask her how much of it she needs to get the results?

I've also used a small amount of LUST and found it also worked.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I wasn't really that impressed w/the Nature's Therapy.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

brownrelaxedhair said:
I like to use generous amounts of conditioner and do with LUST as well but maybe not AS much and I don't need to because I find it goes a fairly long way. I use approx a good heaped tablespoon of it? once the hair is wet its very flat anyway so its easier to cover the hair well (hope that makes sense). Allandra has alot of hair and loves it. Maybe ask her how much of it she needs to get the results?

I've also used a small amount of LUST and found it also worked.

[/ QUOTE ]
I keep my hair a bit soaked before I apply any of my good / expensive conditioners.
This makes them spread much easier, and I don't need to use as much. Also, I alternate conditioners, which makes the good / expensive ones last me quite a while. The ONLY conditioners that I slather on now-a-days are the inexpensive ones.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

i know exactly what you mean concerning the price, i hate spending that ten dollars; but i love these products! talk about making a change in your hair, these will do the trick. my hair i a little below my shoulders but the shampoo last at least 3mons. it always amazes me, because i use alot of it; but i guess if you start with a soaking wet head a little goes a long way.

i've used both the mega moisture and the lust conditioners. it's my opinion that although the lust untangles around 15% better than mega moisture, when i add a dollop of kemi oyl to the MM it detangles just as well as the lust and you get a larger amount. the conditioners last me around 21/2 mons.
i would definitely give them a try if i were you; i don't know why but something about those products did wonders for my hair.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I am in love with lust and I only purchase it when its on sale I am stocked up with seven jars.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

LABETT said:
I am in love with lust and I only purchase it when its on sale I am stocked up with seven jars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh my Gawd!! I only have approx one teaspoon left, I need to re-purchase asap. I keep thinking that it'll get discontinued because its too good
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

LABETT said:
I am in love with lust and I only purchase it when its on sale I am stocked up with seven jars.

[/ QUOTE ]
Whoa! I don't have enough room in my cabinets to stock up that much. I wish I did!
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I also stock up when it's on sale. I got about 10 last month when it was on sale for $6.99.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I can't handle lust and the word discontinued in the same sentence

DSD- I had to purchase a cart to store my products in my
cabinets are filled up.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

Tee said:
I also stock up when it's on sale. I got about 10 last month when it was on sale for $6.99.

[/ QUOTE ]

WHOA that is a lot but more power to you. I know L'Oreal is thankful for people like you
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

brownrelaxedhair said:
The way we alot of us rave about L'oreal, this site should get advertising from them, talk about mucho cash.

[/ QUOTE ]
Good Point!
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

LABETT said:
I can't handle lust and the word discontinued in the same sentence

DSD- I had to purchase a cart to store my products in my
cabinets are filled up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know I know can you imagine it? actually don't answer that.

I need to get more LUST. That dreaded question is what gets me wanting to stockpile, How ridiculous

Allandra, what a scoop to get a company like L'oreal eh?
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

LABETT said:
I am in love with lust and I only purchase it when its on sale I am stocked up with seven jars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes I get obsessive and paranoid and think that LUST and my beloved Nacidit rinses are going to be discontinued and I freak out!
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

by the way..I thought that same thing when I saw the size of the LUST jar and it really does last a while. Its the best moisturizing conditioner IMO. I like it better than my LeKair cholesterol, Keracare Humecto, Salerms Wheat germ mask, Pantene Smooth and Sleek. Can u tell I
LUST ???
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

LABETT said:
I can't handle lust and the word discontinued in the same sentence

DSD- I had to purchase a cart to store my products in my
cabinets are filled up.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's a good idea!
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

brownrelaxedhair said:
The way we alot of us rave about L'oreal, this site should get advertising from them, talk about mucho cash.

[/ QUOTE ]They probably don't know that it is so popular with AA women. Otherwise it may not be so hard to find!
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

LABETT said:
I am in love with lust and I only purchase it when its on sale I am stocked up with seven jars.

Sometimes I get obsessive and paranoid and think that LUST and my beloved Nacidit rinses are going to be discontinued and I freak out!

[/ QUOTE ]

I am a "hoarder" too! When I really like something--I stock up or buy the LARGEST size that I can find. Then I end up PJing myself to a new product a few weeks later.
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

I feel ya Supergirl.. I love the rinses and LUST. Especially in the summertime when I wash my hair myself at home and pull it back in a ponytail, the rinse really comes in handy. I LOVE the Nacidit rinses, makes the comb glide right through my hair !
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

You guys are making me want to try LUST again. I tried a sample size once and my hair got all tangled
I know not everything works for everyone but I wish LUST worked for me. I liked the Mega Moisture conditioner though. Guess I'll have to keep looking for my dream conditioner...
Re: Loreal\'s Nature\'s Therapy

This thread would make anyone want to try LUST I think.

I def. have to re-stock. I feel very uncomfortable knowing that I only have one jar with approx 10% left in it. I was at Ricky's in Manhattan today lunch time but the LUST was $10.99 so I left it. Too expensive in that location....