Loreal: Ineral Hair Fixer


New Member
I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of or used Loreal ineral Hair Fixer??? I have heard a few good things but I want to hear from yall ( I trust yall :) ). It sounds pretty good and I want to try it out. Please let me know...
I used to use this three years ago. I forgot all about it up until now. I also used BB supergro during that time. My hair went through a growth spurt, but I couldn't tell you which product was responsible. For all I know it could have been the combination of the two. I think I may have to give them a try again, but separately this time. If I remember correctly, my hair became stronger too. It certainly couldn't hurt to try it.
I have heard of it. I used it once. Honestly, I prefer some other protein treatments over this one. But, as ACEA said, it doesn't hurt to give it a try.
No, I didn't have any allergic reaction. Yet, I'm not prone to allergic reactions. I can use pretty much anything.
i used it once and still have some..i didnt use it enough to see a difference...im a pj...i think i read about it in a magazine and brought it...