L'oreal Color Zap


Active Member
This is all about my mom. She is totally gray and decided to dye her hair permanant black a few months ago. :rolleyes: I told her to leave it alone but she did it anyway. Now, she has about a half inch of gray and wants to get rid of the black. She has some L'oreal Color Zap that is suppose to "remove" the color.

Has anyone tried this stuff before and been successful? Does it harm the hair in anyway? Her relaxed hair is very weak but she is transitioning and the ng is very strong.
My only question would be what the color would be after the black is lifted and then at what extent would the color be removed. Usually when black is lifted, the overall shade has a greenish tint that has to be toned with red to get brown. IDK, maybe a stylist here can give more info.
I remember this stuff from when I worked in Sally. My my understanding it removes the pigment leaving it a weird orangish color that you HAVE to color over. I don't know this for sure, or how it would work on gray hair. There's some stuff called Color Oops (I think) that is supposed to be gentle. I was thinking about trying it just to see my natural hair color for a little while. Here's a link http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=304384&id=prod2180463#review
My only question would be what the color would be after the black is lifted and then at what extent would the color be removed. Usually when black is lifted, the overall shade has a greenish tint that has to be toned with red to get brown. IDK, maybe a stylist here can give more info.

Ooooo that would be scary. She wants to be back to gray. I told her to leave it be, wear a wiggy for the next month or so and then cut the permed and dyed hair.

When she relaxed her hair the last time, the neutrilizer lifted the color and it became brownish because the dye was a brown base. I bet if it had a blueish/green base, she would have had that effect.

Lawd, I hope that woman leaves her hair alone!!!!!:nono:
I remember this stuff from when I worked in Sally. My my understanding it removes the pigment leaving it a weird orangish color that you HAVE to color over. I don't know this for sure, or how it would work on gray hair. There's some stuff called Color Oops (I think) that is supposed to be gentle. I was thinking about trying it just to see my natural hair color for a little while. Here's a link http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=304384&id=prod2180463#review

Ooooo..Thank you E! This stuff looks much more gentler then color zap. Let me text her now and let her know about this. Will let y'all know what she does.
Plz don't use Color Zap :nono: it has bleach and peroxide. Try Color Oops instead. I used it not too long ago to get the jet black dye i used in my hair and it worked well. Just make sure you follow the directions to a "T"...the only problem i had with it was that it smells really bad. lol let us know how it works :yawn:
I bought some today after work, but couldn't use it because the directions say apply to dry hair. I cowashed this morning so my hair was still wet :ohwell:
Update -

I did get my Mom the Color Oops to take away the black dye. She would not let me take before and afters:lachen: but basically the Color Oops took the permanent black to a brownish reddish shade and not back to the gray. :blush: She ended up getting a Jazzing rinse - Mocha to match up the color. She hopes with enough washing it will fade on the "new" gray and then she can cut the dyed/relaxed ends and be natural by June. :yep:

Thanks ladies for all your help!!!!!:grin:
I was wondering how it turned out. I bought some the other day then punked out and took it back :lachen:My natural color is so light my sister said my hair actually doesn't have a color (it really is blonde/dirty blonde) which made me a bit nervous.
I was wondering how it turned out. I bought some the other day then punked out and took it back :lachen:My natural color is so light my sister said my hair actually doesn't have a color (it really is blonde/dirty blonde) which made me a bit nervous.

:lachen:I'm glad you took it back. You hair color in the avi is very pretty. Leave it alone E! :yep:
Lol thank you. I figured I'd just stick w/what I know! I have to re-color this weekend and I wanna do the clear rinse as well...I should just mix it in w/the color, hunh? BTW, Neenee please tell me you're in Jenn's testimonial section for Color Showers. If not, you need to get on that. Your color is fab!
Lol thank you. I figured I'd just stick w/what I know! I have to re-color this weekend and I wanna do the clear rinse as well...I should just mix it in w/the color, hunh? BTW, Neenee please tell me you're in Jenn's testimonial section for Color Showers. If not, you need to get on that. Your color is fab!

:blush: E you are so sweet girl! :blush: Maybe I should email her because I swany by Colorshowers. I was mad my mom got that Jazzin'. :nono:

I have mixed color with clear before but I cant rememeber if it did anything. I am sure it will look nice when you do it! Take pics!!!!:yep:
:blush: E you are so sweet girl! :blush: Maybe I should email her because I swany by Colorshowers. I was mad my mom got that Jazzin'. :nono:

I have mixed color with clear before but I cant rememeber if it did anything. I am sure it will look nice when you do it! Take pics!!!!:yep:

I'll be posting pics when I do it. BTW, if you don't e-mail her, I will for you :grin:. You need to be on there!