Lord knows i wanna do a corrective relaxer one week post!!! Tell me why or why not???


Well-Known Member
Oh God!! I self relaxed last week with Vitale Life and Body, I had application and smoothing if I can call it that lasted 30 minutes before I rinsed out and I am majorly underprocessed despite the instructions saying no longer than 23 minutes I believe. I dont know if this was because I added a tablespoon full of evoo or what as to why my hair underprocessed but it did. Well anyways, I want my hair to really look like a perm but I dont want to be bald. Is is possible to do a correcter a week after safely? For those who have pulled this off, what's your story?
Thanks in advance you gurus you!!! ;)
Well maybe it's the relaxer itself. I know that if a relaxer is old due to sitting on a shelf in a store or warehouse for two years, then it loses potency. Was this your first time trying this kind or hae you used it before? I'd say to take a few strands from your hair and relax those, and if everything is okay, then relax the rest of your hair, but when it takes, rinse it out. Don't leave it in any longer than you have to.:)
I've always been told to wait 6 weeks after a botched relaxer. If assuming that it's too soon to put another chemical on your hair but I don't really know. That's just what I was told when I had to get a corrective once before. I just got my roots flat ironed in the meantime.
If I were you I would wait at least 4 weeks to rebuild your hair from the previous relaxer. Do deep conditioning every week, and maybe a reconstructor, then go for it in another 3 weeks.
If u go head relax now u are goin to bump into some kinda trouble not now but later try waitin it out 4 weeks tha long enough.

a relaxer righ after behind another ur hair gonna melt gurl!!!
I've used this relaxer before and it underprocessed me as well. In between time I alternated between moisture & protein conditioners, made sure I had zero breakage then did a corrective 4 weeks later.
what did u use for the corrective? Do u think that relaxer is bead? i was just gonna leave it on longer next go round.
Kristal said:
what did u use for the corrective? Do u think that relaxer is bead? i was just gonna leave it on longer next go round.


I used ORS for my corrective. I'm not sure if the relaxer was just old or if it's no good, that was my first time trying it.
After losing half my hair due to the ineptness of a so
called professional stylist with a license, I highly suggest
you wait it out and not put another relaxer on your
hair before you are at least six weeks post. Wait it out..
at least you'll have your hair.

By the way, she used Vitale on me too. I think she left
it on longer than suggested because of the problem of
underprocessing with coarse hair.
Well I had my natural hair relaxed by a professional using mizani and it came out underprocessed/texturized....she told me to come back in two weeks to correct.... she is a reputable and highly recommended stylist and I had another professional tell me two weeks is safe....but I am not gonna do that at all..I just don't feel comfortable putting the chemical back in my hair so soon....I am gonna wait it out at least 4 to six weeks....I did a treatment with emergencee a couple days ago...and plan to do another one b4 I go back...not taking any chances....
I last permed in Dec. 06 and it was underpro. so I want to do a corrective next weekend. Could someone explain how to do a corrective? I was thinking I'd just apply relaxer to the underproc. parts of my hair. Is this something I need to see a stylist for or do any of you do your own?
Re: I wanna do a corrective relaxer one week post!!! Tell me why or why no

Im so glad i found this thread!!! Ladies, the search feature is def the bomb!!! This is precicely my story. I self relaxed last week wednesday and i conditioned my hair pretty much every day until two days ago. then i woke up this morning and suddenly decided that i was going to do a corrective on my horribly underprocessed hair :lachen:

Neway, sorry to go off topic, but im just so enthused that i can come here for advice anytime and have the scales lifted from my eyes...I think id wait out this relaxer for another 5 weeks or so. :yep:
Re: Lord knows i wanna do a corrective relaxer one week post!!! Tell me why or why no

The longer you wait the better. But dont do it sooner than 4weeks IMO. I have had to do several correctives on my hair and its hard waiting for 4 weeks when you hair feels horrible but its worth it.
Re: Lord knows i wanna do a corrective relaxer one week post!!! Tell me why or why no

Vitale Underprocessed me too ..

Not a fan of the brand ..

I have heard that 2 weeks is okay. But if your hair isnt in impeccable shape I would sugges 4 weeks.

and inbetween just do some co washes and braid outs to help you cope ..

I say cope because I been there and I was depressed LMAO