Loosing Hair Rapidly


New Member
Hi Ladies!

First and foremost I would like to apologize for my long hiatus. Senior year is kicking my behind and I am in the midst of finding a job.

I have been going through many things, emotionally, and have suffered various ailments. Since this is a hair board I will start with my hair. Ever since late October, I've been experiencing SERIOUS shedding. I am talking handfuls every time I brushed my hair. At one point I was sweeping my bedroom floor and I could not believe how much hair had fallen out in such a short period of time.

The crown of my head is a disaster! The texture here has always been coarse but now it is unbelieveably coarse. I am talkin' that every part of my head takes to the relaxer but this one area. A week after my touch-up and I can still feel its coarseness. And because it is so coarse, I have had actual breaking and there are some parts that are drastically shorter than others.

I know it isn't my stylist. People say it is stress but I have been under pressure before and nothing like this has ever happened. I just scheduled an appt with my dermatologist for next week and am trying to find a decent doctor beause most of them are good for nothing.

I bought some vitamins: MSM, B-Complex, Fish Oil and Solgar multi.

I relax my hair every 6-8 weeks with Affirm reg lye relaxer. I must admit the last two times I didn't go to my regular stylist (Marcia) because I was so broke so I went to this Dominican lady and I honestly don't think that stuff in the jar was Affirm.

I wash and condition my hair every week. It has been once a week because I average 15 hour work/school days and am too tired to wash more than this. I have used Aphogee which has curbed the shedding but it is still a problem. I don't use heat on my hair and always wrap it at night with a silk scarf. I am doing the same things I always did but now my life is a lot more complicated.

Do you think my hair just dosen't like Affirm anymore?

Any help or suggestions would be great.
Hi! Welcome back to the board....I am natural, but I definitely can relate to the crown being coarser. I get breakage there ALL the time, you should try to pay close attention to that area and be gentle. Is there a way you can find out if the lady actually used Affirm? I would not want you to switch if it really works for you. I would try to go back to your original stylist and see what she says about your hair. In the mean time keep your hair moisturized, and maybe do a search on here for "hair breakage" to get some more tips. HTH
You said that you brushed your. Try not move it so much. If you have enough hair put it in a bun. I'm really sorry to hear about your hair. Have you ever been under this trype of stress before......15 hour days = no rest = mind,body and soul stress = less hair. No more cheap stylist go back to lady who liked your hair. Moisture moisture. My hair is natural so I don't want to tell you Product names.... I know the relaxed sistas will be here soon. Hold on girl
I had the same thing happen to me. I wash my hair once a wk (dominican salon),and deep condition every week. In October I noticied my hair coming out in handfuls whenever I combed it. I was wearing my hair in a low bun most of the time. My hair was coming out in the back approx where I would usually wear a high ponytail. I had dramatic breakage. My hair is shoulder length. When I parted my hair in the back there was a spot of very course hair the length of the tip of my index finger. I thought the breakage was due to me waiting too long to get a touch up. I usually go 6-8, I was into wk 10. I use Affrim sensitive scalp relaxer. I was told by a a clerk in a vitamin shop that it was due to stress. (I can't remeber being stressed about anything). I started using the T-gel shampoo and cond (stopped breakage temp). I switched to Nutrine garlic shampoo(unscented) and my Affirm 5-in-1 reconstuctor. I also put wild growth oil on the breakage area.(couple drops on finger tip and rub in). The oil is thick so I use sparingly. I also put pink oil moisturizer (light) on my hair
lol. So far so good. My spot is much softer and seems to be growing and the breakage has stopped also. I'm going to try and take pictures to see how long it will catch up with the rest of my hair. Good luck to you. If you have any questions you can pm me.
I can relate too. I was having a lot of shedding and breakage a month or so ago. Then I started to do daily conditioner washes...and they helped to strengthen my hair. I also started paying attention to the areas that had the most shedding/breakage (my back area was full of splits)...oiling with Vatika Coconut Hair Oil and Parachute Coconut Oil. I also started misting that part of my hair with distilled water. This has really cut down on my breakage. Maybe you could try paying really close attention to those areas of your hair where you are experiencing the most breakage. On days that you are too tired to wash...maybe you could mist your hair with distilled water. I just started using Aubrey Organics GPB (5 times already)...and styling with a boar brush (sparingly)...and my shedding is to a minimum. Before when I brushed...my shirt and hands would be full of hair...and it was very frustrating... I hope that you find out the source of the problem soon.