Looks like I'm going to have to trim this breakage off...


Well-Known Member
I can't take it anymore...my hair is still breaking these little 1 inch strips...some are about 3 inches...and I'm starting to see splits.

Not to sound snobby but I've never had to deal with these issues before. I had a trim about 6 weeks ago when I got my perm but I don't think she took enough off...also, my hair just will not recover from that natural instincts disaster.

So I am off to trim today after work...oh well...so is life sometimes you have to trim the bad stuff off.
:bighug: Sorry to hear that. But from looking at your pic in your signature, I don't see any split ends.....
:bighug: Sorry to hear that. But from looking at your pic in your signature, I don't see any split ends.....

Unfortunately you are wrong...when I comb my hair little pieces snap off and I've seen two broken pieces with a little bitty split at the end. I know two isn't a lot but I need to get a good trim before it looks worse. My ends are starting to look raggedy.
You and me both ShiShi...My hair has been breaking long strands since my last touch up. I made an appointment for a trim next weekend. I guess it's much needed, since I haven't had that done since September 2007.
Clev_gryl, I luv your hair!! :grin:

You and me both ShiShi...My hair has been breaking long strands since my last touch up. I made an appointment for a trim next weekend. I guess it's much needed, since I haven't had that done since September 2007.
i had that issue, too. i thought i needed to trim, too, because i was getting all these short broken-off pieces near the ends of my hair, but what fixed it for me was doing a hard aphogee treatment, and deep conditioning. have you tried a hard protein treatment? maybe that will help :yep:
Well it does look like it's in great, healthy condition. But of course only you know what is really going on with your hair. I hope you won't have to trim much--sure doesn't look like you'll need to.

I do recommend Mizani Rose H20 Night Time treatment to curtail the breakage. (use as directed)
I can't take it anymore...my hair is still breaking these little 1 inch strips...some are about 3 inches...and I'm starting to see splits.

Not to sound snobby but I've never had to deal with these issues before. I had a trim about 6 weeks ago when I got my perm but I don't think she took enough off...also, my hair just will not recover from that natural instincts disaster.

So I am off to trim today after work...oh well...so is life sometimes you have to trim the bad stuff off.

:look: Are you sure she used SHARP shears? Getting a trim with anything less might cause more issues, not less, because of how the end of the hair is shaped/notched....
:look: Are you sure she used SHARP shears? Getting a trim with anything less might cause more issues, not less, because of how the end of the hair is shaped/notched....

Good point, JustKiya!

I am sure that our veterans will give you plenty of suggestions and hopefully one will work for you.
is breakage related to not having trims...because my last trim was in june and my hair looks.....strange....for lack of a better word like it's not as thick on the ends as it should be...and then very thick right above...i was thinking i might just let it keep growing and fix itself or i might just need a trim...the stylist said i did but i was trying to wait a year!!!