Looking for threads on how-to cowash


Well-Known Member
Please post them in this thread or bump them please. I will be co-washing for the first time and my hair is freshly BC'ed! Thanks!
Co-washing is really simiple.... at least for me.
All I do when I co-wash is use a cheap conditioner either vo5 or Suave will do. Run the water over my hair for a minute or two letting it get completely saturated and then ring out the excess water. Then I apply a very liberal amount of whatever cheap conditioner to my hair and take my shower. I sometimes detangle my hair at this point if needed then rinse it out. I bloat my hair with a towel and then proceed to let it air dry 50% before applying my leave-in, moisturizer, and sealing oil.
I co-wash mid-week and shampoo/DC over the weekend.
HTH :)

Here's a thread asking about the same thing: How to co-wash
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Not much to it, wet your hair, apply conditioner, leave it in for 3-5 minutes and rinse. It's washing your hair minus shampoo.