looking for relaxer advice :]]


New Member
hello ladies!
thank you in advance for any help you can give.
i am looking to try bantu no-base in regular strength.

some facts about my hair
-i relax my hair about three times every 2 years.
-i have really thick, really coarse, incredible resistant 4xyz hair. (xyz was a joke) i actually have yet to see hair like mine on this board.
-i would like to have my hair bone straight, and i have not yet had a relaxer consistently achieve this for me.

i've heard that bantu is a really strong formula that will get my hair 'straight like it's never been before'. i searched some old posts and found that some women loved it, and some hated it.

my biggest concern is protecting my scalp whilst getting my hair bone straight. all advice&help is welcome!
I think any grease the best
far as relaxer my sister gave a CREAM OF NATURE RELAXER (mild) my hair is bone straight i luv it .
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