Looking for product suggestions...


The Credit Countess
Is Mango Butter too heavy for roller sets,if it is, what daily moisturizer would you wonderful ladies recommend. I would need something that I would put a little on everyday because some days I do dry sets as well. I use Mango butter now for my bun. I am going to do my bi-weekly bss trip ( really trying hard not to became a PJ
) tomorrow and need a good not so heavy moisturer. I really can't afford any expensive line even thought I would love to try Keracare.

Also looking for a good shampoo that is not expensive.

You ladies are great.
For me mango butter is too heavy for roller sets. Its so thick it doesnt penetrate as well as the less thicker moisturizer. I liked Profective long n healthy or break free (both in very small amounts) on wet hair and then i sprayed motions leave in on it after the hair was in rollers befor i sat under the dryer. I added oil afterward for more shine. As for shampoo cant really recommend one becasue i do co washes and clarify with Pantene. But people say its too drying. But since i use it 2 times a month its isnt bad for me.
I don't use the Mango Butter for rollersetting. If u do, i suggest only applying to the ends while hair is soaking wet.

Why don't u just try it and see if it works.
I like Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil lotion moisturizer. I may have messed the name up but it comes in bottle rather than the creme form. It is an excellent moisturizer that you can get at you bss.