Looking for product similiar to QBBRC


Well-Known Member
I have used this creme for my twist and twist outs. I like the fact that its a fairly natural product but am tired of ordering online. I guess I'm also a little burned that I missed the sale by 30 minutes and they are sold out. :lachen: and will be closed for weeks.
I need a replacement that I can find in stores that is almost the same.

Maybe on of ors's oil creams in the jar would do the trick?
I personally get the same results from HS 14in1 mixed with whipped shea butter
I have the same complaint. I'm a big fan of CTDG for my daughter's hair. I'm out and was prepared to order @ regular prices but the the online store closes for weeks in advance to prepare for the sale. I get online at noon, got what I wanted in the cart but had trouble at checkout. I kept trying to order but by 12:22 everything I wanted was sold out. Now I have to wait until Sept 9th for the store to re-open to get what I need. Sorry to say ain't no way to run a business. Why offer these sales if you gotta shut everything down. Great product but I have to look elsewhere.
My twist look nice and this product gives great hold. I just don't like the way my hair feels. It doesn't feel soft. It's actually a little crunchy. I've been moisturizing with Taaliah wajid MB to soften it up but once it drives its still a little crunchy. I'll give it a week of wear and I
want to see how my twist out looks when I take my twist out in a week or so.

ETA: still looking for suggestions on a buttery type product replacement. My hair hates shea butter.