Looking for HAIR guidance.....


New Member
Hello everyone, yet another introduction. I'm new to the site and I have come across some very useful information. But, I think I'm starting to feel a huge info overload.

I recently went from seven years of being natural to a relaxer. I'm still going back and forth on whether I should've relaxed or not. But being that it's done now, I'm working with it.

My dilemma is trying to find a hair regimen. Then I will filter through products to see what my hair responds to best. As it stands now, I've had three relaxers in 8 to 12 week increments. I'm having shedding and some breakage. I think I'm having ALOT of shedding and breakage, but my hair dresser thinks it's normal shedding and breakage (I always compile the hair into sandwich bags and take it to her). Now, it could be that I need to ease up on heavy-handedness when I'm combing through my hair. I'm still getting use to not having to use so much force to get a comb through my hair (which is very thick). For the most part, I wear my hair in a ponytail with a scrunchie that doesn't do alot of damage. I am trying to come up with protective hair styles. I apply heat to my hair only when I am using a flat iron (after washing it weekly). I air dry after shampooing. My hair type is 4a, 4b, BSL. I was getting a Motions relaxer, but the latest touch-up was with a Mizani relaxer.

I'm looking for suggestions for a hair maintenance regimen. I know it sounds silly to some, but I honestly am clueless being that I hate to do anytype of hair maintenace and prefer to straight ponytail it.


Continue to perm (touch-up) every 8-12 weeks
Deep condition bi-weekly
ends clipped 8-12 weeks, etc.

What about pre-pooing, should I do it or allow my hair to adjust to the perm?? Increase my deep conditions?

ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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:hiya3::welcome3:i cant help with guideing you sorry. but i am sure some will come in to help you. you will love it here:yep:
Hello! And welcome! I am kinda of a newbie but very good an synthesizing information! :user::brainy:

Anyway, here a few suggestions I think will help you:

  1. Seems like your moisture to protein balance is off. That could be the reason for the breakage. Try incorporating protein into your regimen. Follow the instructions in the thread, it should help: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=17553&highlight=damaged
  2. If your hair can handle air drying then do that. You can try blow drying your hair at the lowest setting of your blow dryer. Try it once a week and see if notice more or less breakage.
  3. Since you are BSL rollersetting would be great for you. Its a good way to avoid direct heat. Give this a shot too.
Thats all I've got for now. Good Luck!
Thanks for the suggestions.

I was bitting my nails because I knew it was coming...

(Big sigh) Going beyond my ponytail comfort zone. I like the look of the rollerset, don't get me wrong. But Lord knows I don't have skills like that. I guess I'll take it up with my hair dresser and try to maintain it from there. I really have to up my hair style abilities.

Thanks so much, I appreciate it.
Hey! Welcome :)

For tips, check Sistaslick's fotki: www.public.fotki.com/Sistaslick. She has tons of informative articles on building a regimen, shedding, breakage, protective styles, etc.... basically, just about anything you could ever want to know about hair. HTH!