looking for good stylist in paris france


New Member
does anyone know a good stylist in paris? i want to have my hair texlaxed after a 4 month stretch following awful phytorelaxer breakage. i would like to try ors and stick with no lye. the trouble is i found a stylist who i really liked but she works at a salon that only uses mizani. i think i will need a bit of a corrective on underprocessed hair as well as someone who can texlax. i need someone who will really take the time to do it right. any reccommendations of a place where i can bring in the ors? i am looking for good more so than cheap. i already got one from a paris fille, any others?
Miss*Tress said:
I can recommend Taj:

Hairy Taj Salon
rue Quincampoix

thanks for the info. i've heard about him. by the way, i checked out your site. where do you find evoo in paris? thank you!!!!
You're welcome, kimbaparis. You can find EVOO in just about any supermarket, like Monoprix, Franprix, or Champion.
kimbaparis said:
does anyone know a good stylist in paris? i want to have my hair texlaxed after a 4 month stretch following awful phytorelaxer breakage. i would like to try ors and stick with no lye. the trouble is i found a stylist who i really liked but she works at a salon that only uses mizani. i think i will need a bit of a corrective on underprocessed hair as well as someone who can texlax. i need someone who will really take the time to do it right. any reccommendations of a place where i can bring in the ors? i am looking for good more so than cheap. i already got one from a paris fille, any others?

I don't go to the hairstylists in paris, but I've heard about TAJ as well, I think he's a good hair stylist

or DS Creation, the website : www.ds-creation.com

rue du chateau landon

but I don't know if you can bring your relaxer. I've never had a relaxer there but I know they do beautiful weaves
thanks for all of the advice. i read a random bad post about taj, but not on this site. i think it said that he was hasty. i might try there. but has anyone heard anything about this salon ethnicia? http://www.ethnicia.com/accueil.html

i went there to get my weave removed and to check it out. i really liked the stylist. she said she would relax my hair in sections to see how it behaved and that since my scalp isn't sensitive she would use mizani color treated for fine hair and a mizani protein protector on the previously relaxed hair.
that sounded good to me but i am bit wary of going back to lye. everyone likes ORS so much. Phytorelaxer did not work for me but I am hoping that ORS might. but maybe mizani is better. i got my first relaxer six months ago with phyto but before that it had been about 7 years. i don't think i ever burned though. i think i would remember pain.
thank you all so much. kimbap
i just realized that evoo is extra virgin olive oil. and here i've been wandering around looking for a product called evoo! what a silly girl i am.
i guess i can get in anywhere and i have cause i have some in my kitchen!!!!!
kimbaparis said:
thanks for all of the advice. i read a random bad post about taj, but not on this site. i think it said that he was hasty. i might try there.
That makes a change, eh. Most black stylists are criticized for taking too long, n'est-ce pas? :lol:

Anyway, I don't go to Taj often because I cut back on the number of times I got my touch-ups right after I started seeing him: from 3x/year to 2x/year then 1x and now... I haven't been since my last relaxer in 2005. I used to go see him on Wednesday afternoon ("nocturne") and I'd be the last person in the salon. Even when we were both exhausted, I had his undivided attention and he never rushed to finish. He also gives pre-service consultations. Just be sure to call for an appointment. (FYI he and his staff all speak English.)

I asked Taj about growing out my hair long and he gave advice such as protective styling, daily moisturizing, etc. If my hair didn't need to be cut, then he wouldn't! He (and his staff) also helped me get rid of over-processed hair caused from the salon I used to go to. My hair hovered between SL and APL for a long time, but they kept it looking healthy and long while the damage grew out. If you visit my blog, the pic from March 2005 was when all the over-processed hair was gone and is what I consider my true starting point. Now my hair is past BSL (it's curly and wind-blown in the Dec. 2006 pic, so doesn't look very long, but IRL people always ask if it's a weave).

Taj uses the Avlon product line and I don't know if you can bring your own products. It's not something I ever thought of or asked him about.

As you can tell, I really like Taj. My mom came to France on holiday and I took her there for a wash and set - he treated her like a queen. Just for that he gets a thumbs up from me. He said if she were not going back to the US, he would have her hair in a much healthier state in no time. Unfortunately, she had to go back to Florida so he never got to work his magic on her.

If you're not sure, just go for a consultation. It's a bit like having your first date at Starbucks - no committment. Good luck. ;)