Looking for former Short haired Ladies. Who have gotten to APL or longer


Well-Known Member
Hey all,
Ok I have been on here about a month. as a result of the information I have completely changed how I care for my hair.

My hair has never been past SL. And it only got that long b/c I had a curly perm for 4 years. (years ago). Any way My hair when it's permed grows a little past my ear then breaks off so I get frustrated and cut it off.

Has anyone experienced that type of problem but now has b/w SL and APL hair? I mean is there any hope for me to have longer hair or what. I am believing in Cathy Howse's book that I can grow 6 inchs in a year. that would put my bangs past my chin. and would get the back of my hair past should length.

To achieve that I intend to keep my hair corn rolled under my wig.
baggie night and day (under the wig)
heat conditions
I also use a homemade hair concoction
and I am looking into the right combination of vitamins
If I have never had hair growth past my chin, will that really change?
Has someone with a story simular to mine have that experience.

I have looked at a lot of profiles and fotki sites and I have not found anyone with hair as short as mine, that has grown it out past SL.

Now I realize alot of ladies do a BC and then take pics. But it seems most people i have seen can easily get there hair to SL without doing anything to it. My hair has only been shoulder length once in my life, as I mention when I had a curly perm, and that took 4 years to get it that length.

This is my current and usual max length pretty much

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I've been in your shoes. Though back then I didn't really take the time to nor wanted to grow my hair long. I know what really worked for me was doing the wash and go styles often. I would co wash everyday. I also did the bantu twists for months. Definitely moisture and conditioning often works for short hair. I wouldn't trim your hair at this stage until it gets to chin length and even then I would just dust sparingly. Stay away from heat as much as you think you need it you don't. I used breakthru breakage lotion in the orange bottle and I swore by it. Oh and I also sustained from braids. I've been braid free for 5 yrs or so now, and my hair is definitely striving.

At the end of the day you have to know your hair, know what works and doesn't try things out.
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you should check out the thread "who has never been armpit length and is now" or soemthing to that effect. lots of women confessed that they reached apl when they never had before.

ur regimen aounds fine. besides the vitamins a good diet will help as well. and drink a lot of water. HTH

my hair stayed at ear length for more than a decade. although it isnt long, i NEVER imagined myself with anything longer than ear length and then it grew to neck length. so i do believe anything's possible.

defintely search for that thread. it's possible!!!
locabouthair said:
you should check out the thread "who has never been armpit length and is now" or soemthing to that effect. lots of women confessed that they reached apl when they never had before.

ur regimen aounds fine. besides the vitamins a good diet will help as well. and drink a lot of water. HTH

my hair stayed at ear length for more than a decade. although it isnt long, i NEVER imagined myself with anything longer than ear length and then it grew to neck length. so i do believe anything's possible.

defintely search for that thread. it's possible!!!

ITA. I don't remember if I posted in that thread or not, but I've never had hair past my ears. I'm close to APL, not quite but getting there.

It takes patience, and a lot of love. And really, its not a race, enjoy the journey! The less you stress about your hair, the better off you are.

If you've only been on your current regimin for a month, give it a little more time, say 6 weeks. Take a look at all the long haired ladies on the board and you'll see that the majority of them have very simple hair regimins. Sure, some do use other stuff, but they pretty much keep their base regimin the same.

abenyo said:
I've been in your shoes. Though back then I didn't really take the time to nor wanted to grow my hair long.

I was the same way for years. I have just ignored my real hair and opted to wear wigs and braids. Not to protect but to hide it.
thank you for your post
Arcadian said:
It takes patience, and a lot of love. And really, its not a race, enjoy the journey! The less you stress about your hair, the better off you are.
I 100% agree My goal is to focus on doing the right thngs for a year.
And sticking with one or two things for a month at a time. I have read to give things at least 30 days to see how it works. And I have experience some rapid growth in the last 3 weeks.

I just my hair is getting to the "magic length" the length it gets before it traditionally breaks off and I BC it. So I wanted some incouragment.

Thank you
locabouthair said:
my hair stayed at ear length for more than a decade. although it isnt long, i NEVER imagined myself with anything longer than ear length and then it grew to neck length. so i do believe anything's possible.

defintely search for that thread. it's possible!!!

I would be so happy just get my hair all one length , like it was when I had the curly perm
I appreciate your post thanks again
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I was like you (short hair never past ear) and I am still trying to make it to APL. I found Shamboosie's book 2 years before finding this site and had never really used conditioners (I know) before his "magic potion" suggestion of Nexxus Humectress. I did nothing but that for 2 years...no protective styling, no baggying. I used a curling iron daily and all sorts of other cardinal LHCF sins:) and after having been Halle Berry length with the grow, cut, grow, cut thing going for YEARS just like you - I still got to below shoulder length. Now that I have found this site, Im looking forward to BSL and beyond because if I grew with just conditioner from hair that never turned heads to hair that people stopped me to ask about with JUST CONDITIONING...I know with all the stuff I have learned here, BSL is so doable!!!! I hope my story helps you believe cuz Im still trying too.
You should check out both Sylver2 and Lauren450's fotkis. They both had really short cuts and now their hair is well past BSL.
I can definitely relate. My hair would get no longer than four inches for years. Even in my baby pictures my hair was always short. I just didn't think my hair could get very long. When I started growing my hair, I only had hopes of growing it to neck length so my weaves would look more natural! My hair is currently just about APL in the back and a little shorter on the sides. I'm using the Crown and Glory method with Success and I hope to reach brastrap by the end of the September for my birthday.
Hi! I just posted two pics in my latest album with short hair cuts. This was in 2000. In 2004, I started really "growing" my hair. Had I started in 2000, my hair woudl be waistlenght now (if it can grow that long). You can do it!
Hi, :wave:

I feel the same way as you right now, but yummyc's and dontspeakdefeat's hair albums has really inspired me, you should really check their albums.:yep:
My hair was neck length seven months ago, but now its past shoulder and heading for APL.
I was quite a sceptic when i joined this forum in September last year, but i figured i'd just try and see what happens. My results have convinced me that Black women CAN have long hair.
A positive for you is that you are starting with hair that looks pretty even. By the time you are APL, it'll be reaal full and even!
I'd just advice you to start deep conditioning, moisturising daily and sealing with a good oil etc. You will need to start listening to your hair, and responding to how it feels as opposed to trying every regimen in here. You may feel overwhelmed. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!

One thing though, start watching out for relaxer overlaps. My hair was cheek length for years because of that :perplexed.