Looking for "Betty Hutton Hair Pouss Plus"


New Member
Does anyone in the San Frnacisco Bay Area know where I can find Betty Hutton Hair Pouss Plus lotion locally. I used it once and really liked it, but I don't want to buy it online if I don't have to. Thanks

can you tell me what you liked about it? I am currently looking for a hair lotion to use and this sounds interesting. Do you know of any place online that sells it? I have never seen this is the stores in my area(Memphis).
The lotion itself is a really heavy brown liquid which I can’t stand the smell of. I mix it with the Betty Hutton Moelle du Beouf, which I really like the smell of, Trimedica MSM lotion and a skin conditioner to make it manageable. The combination makes the smell of the lotion go away. The Pouss Plus has really kept my scalp from being dry so I get less shedding and improved hair growth. Also the combination lasts a long time ‘cause a little goes a long way.

I got it on guesso.com. The thing is they have a $20 minimum and they sell the bottle for $9.99 each. I don’t want to buy 3 bottles of it just so I can have one. I’ve seen it on other websites, but the other websites look sketchy so I don’t want to give them my money. I’d rather buy it locally if I can.