looking for a song or artist


Active Member
I'm looking for a particular song or the artist who sings the song. I don't know the artist of the name of the song but the lyrics are:
Search me o God,
Know my heart
Try me and see
My every anxious thought
Remove from me
Every evil thing
And lead me in the way

I was told that it is a Troy Sneed song but I can't find it anywhere. Can anyone help me?
I don't personally know it but is this it???


Green Steve
We Believe
Search Me, Oh God
Search me, Oh God

Search me, oh God, reveal my heart
Expose my sin that it may be confessed
Search me, oh God, unviel each thought
And leave no hidden motive unaddressed

Uncover every action born in pride
Show me the worldly ways I still embrace
May every anxious thought be brought to light
And each unspoken fear with faith replaced

Search me, oh God, observe my life
[ Green Steve Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ]
Bring to my mind each idle word I speak
Search me, oh God, test my resolve
And alert me where You find it need

Reveal all weakened walls within my soul
Show me potential dangers unforseen
Then clothe my conscience with Your Holiness
Help me to guard it well and keep it clean

Search Me, oh God that I may walk in peace
Filled with the joy of knowing all is well
My heart surrendered and my conscience clean
So great a joy, my tongue can scarcly tell

Oh what a joy to know that all is well!
No GV-NA-GI-TLV-GE-I. That's not it. Thanks though. I really appreciate it. They play this song at my church on occasion but I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone as to who sings this song. It's very frustrating but I'll keep looking and asking.