Looking For A Great Detangling Brush


Active Member
Hi ladies Im interested in purchasing a new detangling brush. I have about 6 inches of natural hair and the rest is relaxed , so I have long transitioning hair. I see youtubers using the EZ DETANGLER BRUSH, the Felica Leatherwoof brush, the wet brush, etc. Can you recommend the best brush that would cause the least amount of breakage and pulling? Im want a brush without seams and sharp parts so that i can avoid damage.
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A few of the brushes you mentioned, we discussed in a semi-recent thread: https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/felicia-leatherwood-brush.847751/

Not to discourage people from posting here but thought you might find the above thread helpful too.

I know that you mean know harm, but it does get get discouraging to post when members direct us to older posts. Sometimes folks want to start their own thread which is more personalized for them. This board moves very slow, and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that members are directed to older posts.

I have transitioning, long hair. It's fine in diameter so it can't take a lot of manipulation without breaking off. If anyone has some recommendations then please let me now.
I know that you mean know harm, but it does get get discouraging to post when members direct us to older posts. Sometimes folks want to start their own thread which is more personalized for them. This board moves very slow, and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that members are directed to older posts.

I have transitioning, long hair. It's fine in diameter so it can't take a lot of manipulation without breaking off. If anyone has some recommendations then please let me now.


The thread was only a few months old, latest post was a few weeks ago, and had feedback from the ones you specifically mentioned. That's more so why I shared it. Not to say "please look here, this was already discussed".

Apologies if it was taken that way.