looking for a bkt that will...


New Member
leave my hair feeling heavily coated. I know that sounds weird, but I like to feel like my hair is coated. I had the global keratin, but now they are no longer selling it to 'civilians' and I need to find something else. After a few washes, sometimes with just water only, the bkt coating feels like its gone away. So has anyone purchased a bkt product or had it done to their hair and was left with a feeling that your hair was heavily coated? if so, please tell me the name of that product.
SOFTLISS!!! Mine still feels that way. We used the whole bottle. Its been 1 week and I'm still in love! Its still coating my hair too, and I have been cowashing (which I couldn't do before)
I think it might partly depend on how heavily you apply. However, for my first BKT with DH (Dre@m H@ir) I applied left my hair feeling slick, "slippery when wet" for weeks after. Is that the "coated" feeling you're referring to?

I've tried Global and Marcia Teixeira and while I like the results in terms of loosening the curl, ease of detangling, softness, etc. the "slippery"feeling is not quite the same. I'll be back to DH for my next one since I bought a whole liter a while back and still have like 2/3 of the bottle left.
QOD MAX made my hair feel this way. I hated it. I will never use it again. I am about to do a Marcia T tonight. Did you try Ebay to buy your BKT? That is where I have bought all mine from, except the Marcia T. I won that in a contest. HTH
well i am very heavy handed and when you buy a product online you only get a few ounces, so i buy by the liter. i have been looking at the qod max. i think i might purchase that, i just wish it was available in more fragrances
I think my next purchase will be Softliss - as for "coated" QOD Gold left that feeling for me. Thanks for the short review Foodie.

Does Softliss have a fumes issue?
thanks for the input ladies. i just ordered some QOD red. i will be sure to come back and tell you if it gave me the coated feeling i was looking for