Look at this Hair Porn


A+ Hair Care Queen


Those of you that live in Southern California may want to check out this salon To Cut and Dye For.

A friend from High School owns it. The model is one of her twin baby girls.

Yummy hair. If you look at the photo album on FB you can see a lot of her clients have long hair. Therefore, she is a Scissor Savvy Stylist (SSS).
Yes lord! How often do you see pics where EVERYONE'S scalp-grown hair is as gorgeous as this? :thud:
Why can't ol' raggedy SC have a shop like this one? smh.......
I wonder if it has something to do with no humid being in California. I'v heaardyou can straighten your hair there and it will not frizz at all. I live in Humid Hell. (Texas) :perplexed