Longer haired ladies how do you wear your hair while exercising?


Well-Known Member
I saw some suggestions in some other threads but I didn't see anything that would work for me really (rollers, pin curls, wrapping)

I find that if i wear it in a high bun it will either come down or it will bounce too much :nono: If it's a braided bun i can feel the pull. Wearing it in a bun in the middle/back of my head gets in way of floor work. If i wear it in a braid it hits me and it's really unpleasant. I don't braid loosely because that leaves room for tangles so it's compact.

Sunday, I wore it in a single braid pulled up under a scarf and a ball cap. But, i had to keep adjusting it as it fell off and moved. Maybe a scull cap would be better?

I usually wear pigtails because there is less of an impact but i don't like them either. I'm thinking of cowashing twice a week and just leaving it out in a high pony but i'm so afraid of extra tangles/matting. My hair tangles so easily. Also, that goes back to the falling down problem. :|
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lol i know I hope looking at him, reminds me to eat my salads with just as much vigor :lol:
Have you tried folding your braid in half and tucking it under with a barrette or ponytail holder? Less bounce that way.

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No i haven't, but that sounds like it would work. I'll have to go out and get some barrettes.
Thank you!
I like to twist mine up in a bun and put a jaw clip on it to stay in place. After I work out and shower, I leave it in that bun so it can dry in place (it's usually moist because I sweat in my scalp). I never have any problems with frizz or losing my body till the next wash day. I've been doing this for years, but I'll admit that when I first started working out and trying to maintain my hair, it took several weeks to get my hair "trained" to do this.