LongCurlyLocks journey to hip lenght.


Active Member
Ok y'all I have been in this board forever so you would think with all if the information here I would be hip length by now. Uhhh...nope and it's a shame. Being lazy, jumping on every bandwagon there is, cutting my hair several times/mostly myself stress, thinning and other mess. But now I'm serious. I'm tired of wearing wigs and weaves for PS. However I will most likely wear wigs to protect my hair, I'm just getting tired if it. Can't have anything that will have tension on my scalp due to thinning. I am getting better on the thinning part, not losing as much hair. Ok, so I think I got my regimen, for now. You won't believe what I have started doing. I am using a petroleum based product! The Softee brand Indian Hemp! I started using it about two weeks ago and it looks like my hair is thickening up a bit. Well, I also have JBCO in it. I mixed it up and it's VERY light, almost like oil itself. And if course I have my shampoo and conditioner. I will be looking for a good clarifying shampoo. Please offer suggestions if you can. And I will be using Moisture Max Keratin moisturasure? I think that's what it's called. So anyway, I wanted to take some starting pictures. These were taking today (July 6,2014).


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I'm here for it! Rooting for you :)
Be sure to bump this 4 years from now so we can see the luscious LOL
Thank you all. I will keep you posted with the growth. It looks like I got a little more length but I promised myself I will only do an official growth check once a month.