Long time steamers: Do u have scalp issues due to steaming?


Well-Known Member
I stumbled on a youtube clip where the lady claim that she had issues with her scalp due to hair steaming. I'm not sure how often she steamed and how long did she remained under the steamer, etc.

Not only has she developed Eczema but she has scabs on the scalp due to scratching her scalp. Her scalp was always itchy. She also had hair set backs:nono:, meaning hair falling out. She had to use a special shampoo to treat her scalp. :sad:

Does anyone know how to avoid this from happening? How often should we steam...safely and how long should we remain under the dryer?

Here is the clip:

I dont use a steamer, but I watched her vid.

I think it was the product she used. Wen Fig? I think her scalp was already sensitive to it, which she didnt realize though she was already having some issues. The steam opened her pores and let in whatever chemical in the Wen she is sensitive to and magnified it to a full blown allergic reaction.

She is blaming the steamer, but it's not steam. It was the product.

I have had this reaction to products w/o steam. Heat and water only made it worse.
I do steam but not too often, so I have not experienced any adverse effects from it. I will say that I think my scalp is also fairly sensitive to the Wen products. Everytime I have used the Wen Sweet Almond Cleansing Condish my scalp is flaky and itchy immediately after. I agree that this may have been her issue and not the steamer.
I have had no adverse effects from steaming. Like the poster up top said, it is more than likely ( i could bet my life on it), that the problem is the product that she used and not the actual steamer itself
She needs to either review the products she's using or clean the steamer (where the water sits and the ports where the steam/ water comes out)
Thank you for clarifying what the heck is going. I had never heard of bad side effect from steaming until I saw this clip! :nono: I was so shocked.

Thank you for clarifying this.

I dont use a steamer, but I watched her vid.

I think it was the product she used. Wen Fig? I think her scalp was already sensitive to it, which she didnt realize though she was already having some issues. The steam opened her pores and let in whatever chemical in the Wen she is sensitive to and magnified it to a full blown allergic reaction.

She is blaming the steamer, but it's not steam. It was the product.

I have had this reaction to products w/o steam. Heat and water only made it worse.