Long Time Lurker's Prayer Request


New Member
I have been lurking for almost 2 years now on LHCF and have enjoyed all the threads I've visited, but especially this one. The sisterhood found in the CF is nothing short of amazing-to be amongst women uplifting, teaching, correcting, supporting and loving each other in the matchless name of Jesus is the main reason I visit. I've been hesitant to ask for prayer and support because no one here knows me, but then I thought how silly.
In about two weeks, I head to court for trial concerning actions I took almost 3 yrs ago. The 2 yr time frame from investigation to trial has been been draining physically, emotionally and spiritually. However, because of this experience, my parents have a deeper relationship with God, my family has banded together like no one's business to support me and I have a clearer view of the identity of the true friends in my life. I have not lost my mind--thought it feels like I will-- and I didn't take a gun to my head as one friend did. Most important, I've prayed to the Lord and asked forgiveness for my actions, which although not taken with the malice that will be portrayed in court, are mine to be held accountable for. He has forgiven me and remembers them no more.
As we near the court date, everything seems to be going wrong--motions are being denied, documents are missing, my legal teams seems not as sharp, witnesses seem less inclined to support me and the prosecution seems unbeatable. If I look through the natural, there is no way that this situation will end favorably. I'm struggling to continue to look beyond this and remember that He is my Lawyer, Advocate, Judge and can make a way out of no way.
I ask for your prayers for strength and courage to not give up. I've always told people that we give up just before the breakthrough and manifestation of miracles, but in this moment, those sound like empty words. Losing my career & going to jail would be devastating for my family and for me. I so want to return to this board with a continued testimony of God's greatness after the court date.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. Thank you all for creating an environment where others feel safe enough to share, learn and encourage others.
The one thing that you can always depend on is Gods word! And though he knows that we fail continuously and sin he said that he is just and faithful to forgive us all of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And once we have that assurance we know that ALL things work together for the good for them who love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose. God has you right where he wants you and the joy in yielding to him (admiting our sins and allowing him to lead us) is knowing that he will always make any situation work for our good, no matter what it looks like!

Maybe you were the unknown person God put on my heart 15 minutes ago to pray for mercy and grace for!!!!

Have faith in God and I will continue to pray.
I too am praying for you. I hope that God will do what only he can do and that you never have to go to jail but, know that Joseph and others went to jail and were innocent. Know that sometimes we go through things not for us but so that we can be there for others. It seems cruel but God sees the end of things and we must trust him through it all. Once again... I hope you come back and post a phenomenal testimony but no matter what please know that God is for you, will never leave you or forsake you, and that he loves you well beyond your wildest dreams not matter what your circumstances say.
God is full of grace and mercy...I know someone who went through something similar to you in a 3 yr court case because of keeping with wrong company......I don't know exactly what you're situation is but I understand the physical and emotional effects. It is not easy especially when you're your freedom is at stake...I will definitely keep you in prayer......Be strong

God Bless
Thanks for the words of encouragement and support. One of the other individuals in the same situation went to court today was found guilty, sentenced to 5 months in jail and lost his job. It is very disheartening to watch this all happen, esp when those around you already write you off as a gonner. But greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I ask for your continued prayers.
God can make a way out of now way. I am living proof. Continue to stay in prayer and consider fasting as well.
Just a quick update--the proceedings have been delayed for a few weeks because of procedural issues. There was an unusual amount of confusion & drama surrounding this process earlier this week. Not the normal legal drama, but additional things that simply didn't sit well in my spirit. My concerns about moving forward were addressed when yesterday, I learned of the extension. I know that these changes are the hand of God--not sure what they mean, but I know there are no mistakes with God. Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers. More to follow.
Re: Long Time Lurker's Prayer Request---UPDATED:-)

Hello Ladies,

I promised I'd come back with a testimony of how good God is...sorry in advance if it is a little long.

Trial resulted in guilty finding, jail time and fine. There is nothing like hearing a cell door close behind you--never want to go through that experience again. I, like Job, questioned God and had the nerve to be upset that he didn't provide the "not guilty" I asked him for in the courtroom. People told me to take the time and find something positive in the experience.I thought, "Seriously? I am going to jail and I'm supposed to see how God in this?".

The prison library contained a wonderful book titled When God Doesn't Make Sense, which I know was the right book for me at the right time. Through reading the book, spending time with God and truly understanding what it is to really trust Him, I was able to shift my way of thinking and leave my pity party behind. Still had some rough days and didn't understand why the outcome was as it was, but I knew God was in control.

One day, another female told me she didn't know how to pray and asked if I would teach her how and also pray for her. When I asked why me, she said she'd been watching me for a while. She commented that she'd seen me reading the Bible and praying and that I had a peacefulness about me she wanted to know how to tap into. I was so humbled !!! After we talked & prayed, I asked God to forgive me for my selfishness and doubts and thanked Him for choosing to use me with this young lady. We continued to pray throughout her time there and I soone began to see small changes in how she spoke and acted. It became obvious to other women who began talking about her, trying to steal her joy. The night before she left, she thanked me for simply taking time out to talk with & listen to her. I told her that I received much more from our short time together than she could ever imagine.

Without getting into too many details of a still open legal issue, I could have been convicted of four felony charges and received a sentence of up to 40 years, fines, censures and lost my job. As it was, the result was 3 months in prison--served just over 2 months, "a" misdemeaonor guilty finding and a nominal fine. Didn't lose my job and received an amazing amount of support from friends, family and people I didn't really know. There are still some outstanding legal issues, but I am not worried. My walk with God is better than before and I am excited about what each day holds for me in my walk with Him. My test has truly become a testimony!!!

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement!!!
Wow....Praise God. I remember reading your post and thinking wow, because I knew someone going through the same situation as you (they ended up with a misdemeanor charge and probation, it could have been worse as well). Going to jail is not easy but I am glad that you were able to turn the mess into a message from God. All I can say is grace..thank God for grace. Thanks for the update and may God continue to bless you.

ETA....I just realized I had already commented when you initially posted OP....I'm usually a lurker, what can I say:drunk:
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Re: Long Time Lurker's Prayer Request---UPDATED:-)

That's a very powerful testimony! Praise God indeed !