Long Time Friend Has Become Embarrassing To Be Around :-(


Deep Thinker
Sorry it's so long! My friend since jr high (I'll call her Kim) has over the years become loud, selfish, obnoxious and kinda unladylike. :perplexed She used to be the quiet type when she was in relationships and now that she's been single for the past 5 yrs or so she became different.

She admits being sad for not having a man and feeling sorry for herself. Me and my other girlfriends were always in relationships. I noticed she drinks a lot and that's when she gets more loud and embarrassing. She's sometimes rude to waiters and says unladylike things where others can hear her and she doesn't care.

When I first met my BF he wanted to set her up with his best friend thinking it'd be good if we could all hang out. My BF had only met her once and thought she was funny. They went on a date and it didn't turn out well and the story my BF's friend told him wasn't good. The nicer way to put it is to say she had no class.:nono: I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I never told her all the things he said about her. My BF told me she came off as desperate and......hoodrat like. I defended her thinking his friend was a prude because at the time I didn't see it as everyone else did.

Recently we were at a supper club type setting with ten friends. Another friend knew a bandmember so after a few drinks Kim was yelling something about "we in the house" or something like that trying to get the band member's attention. This made me realize how embarrassing Kim was becoming. My other mutual longtime friend told her to tone it down and she blamed it on the friend saying she needs to get the stick out of her butt.

This is the dilemma. She always asks why she can't find a man. I tell her she needs to tone it down a bit. Her answer is always, well, I have to be myself. I told her about how she was too loud at the supper club and her answer was well, yall know how I am so why did yall invite me? She got mad and said she's tired of being told she can't be herself. She's a really funny person and everywhere we go guys laugh and say things like, oh you're so funny or something because they can't believe some of the things she says that most women wouldn't say. This encourages her to act this way to get attention.

We were at a fish fry and the lady at the door joked about there being plenty of rich men in there. So one of the guys throwing the fish fry was introducing us to his friends and Kim said oh, are yall the rich guys? I heard there were rich guys here so I'm looking for them. I wanted to crawl up under a rock when she said that!! :blush: The guy looked at her like she had three heads and he was speechless. I've never been so embarassed in my life!! No wonder they think women are gold diggers. I tried to clean it up for her and say she was just joking but it was too late.

Honestly, if I just met Kim she would NOT be my friend.:nono: But I've known her all my life and she doesn't like you to tell her anything so it's getting hard to hang out with her. I care about my image and I know if anybody heard one loud person at a dinner table then they would look at the ENTIRE table and think they were immature. I'm usually good at constructive criticism but she gets so defensive so it's hard. I think I was too easy on her just saying she was too loud. How do I tell her what not to say when I never know what's going to come out of her mouth? It reminds me when my son was about three and I could tell he's about to say something he shouldn't, like ask a lady why she has a mustache. You can't cover his mouth because it's too late, he already said it.:lachen:That really did happen.

How do you explain that most men don't like loud and rowdy women even though they say she's funny? They're really laughing at her and not with her. The drinking is another story and probably the main culprit but that's gonna be even harder to address.

^^^ What more is there to tell her, she's not listening and all who can't hear must feel, so what I would do is stop inviting her out to these group outings and just hang out with her one on one. But if you feel like you must invite her at a group outing I would scold her as soon as she does something, not after the fact. You don't have to get dramatic with it, but right then and there you could be like Kim that was uncalled for or your being vulgar chill out and just walk off.
I wouldn't tell her anything. She knows she is loud and likes the attention. She is not your child and it is not your place to tell her how to act. I would not dump her but I would just keep some distance and ignore her antics. I think she loves embarrassing you. Quit acting like everything she does reflects on you. So long as you act like a lady you are good. I think you have just outgrown her and it is always hard to accept that.
Sigh. I feel for Kim. I don't know what to say OP :ohwell: Maybe take her to places where that sort of behaviour is ok and leave her at home when you go to the classy places. :lol:
There's nothing to say, you can't change her.
She is who she is....
If you don't like it... you can disassociate yourself from her...

I do believe there is someone for everyone, and she may find someone just 'being her'... or
maybe it'll start getting old even for her, and then she'll honestly change her ways/attitude.

not up to you to change her, unless *she asks*
Insanity - doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result. Loud obnoxious Kim doesn't want to change so she will keep getting the same results.
^^^ What more is there to tell her, she's not listening and all who can't hear must feel, so what I would do is stop inviting her out to these group outings and just hang out with her one on one. But if you feel like you must invite her at a group outing I would scold her as soon as she does something, not after the fact. You don't have to get dramatic with it, but right then and there you could be like Kim that was uncalled for or your being vulgar chill out and just walk off.

Stop hanging out with her.
Good points above. First I was going to say she'd get mad if we didn't invite her but she was the one who said "well, why did yall invite me if you knew how I am". Thanks!!
I wouldn't tell her anything. She knows she is loud and likes the attention. She is not your child and it is not your place to tell her how to act. I would not dump her but I would just keep some distance and ignore her antics. I think she loves embarrassing you. Quit acting like everything she does reflects on you. So long as you act like a lady you are good. I think you have just outgrown her and it is always hard to accept that.
Yes, I've definitely outgrown her and it's hard but maybe keeping a little distance might help. Thanks!!
Sigh. I feel for Kim. I don't know what to say OP :ohwell: Maybe take her to places where that sort of behaviour is ok and leave her at home when you go to the classy places. :lol:
Good point, she can go to concerts with us and be as loud as she wants LOL. Thanks!!
There's nothing to say, you can't change her.
She is who she is....
If you don't like it... you can disassociate yourself from her...

I do believe there is someone for everyone, and she may find someone just 'being her'... or
maybe it'll start getting old even for her, and then she'll honestly change her ways/attitude.

not up to you to change her, unless *she asks*
I sure hope so because I really don't see her changing. You are so right.
Insanity - doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result. Loud obnoxious Kim doesn't want to change so she will keep getting the same results.

Exactly! She needs to stop blaming everyone else saying they're prudes and grow up. Uggh! I can't believe I just said that about my friend but it's true. Thanks!!
I have a friend who is like this too. She gets drunk and behaves so inappropriately. At one party she was so drunk, falling all over the place and jumping (literally jumping!!) onto every guy that walked through the door. I was SO SO SO embarrassed :blush:.

Another time she was thrown out of a club. She's had very inappropriate pictures of her posted on FB dancing in quite vulgar ways.

She doesn't think before she speaks. - i.e. We once went to a festival and later got talking to one of the performers. She just came right out and told the guy his performance was horrible. I wanted to die!!!! - Another time we were talking to a mutual friend of ours who was suggesting we go out for dinner. She then asks the mutual friend if her man would be paying :nono:.

She tells EVERYBODY your business. I don't have anything to hide, but I don't want everyone knowing everything about me. So I've learnt to tell her very very little. In fact, these days I don't tell her anything. She's one of those people that needs to know everything, and all is not right in the world if she doesn't. So she calls and tries to get info. It's to the point where I won't even tell her what I'm doing during the weekend. She'll ask what I've been doing and I tell her "oh, I just went to the city to run some errands and see some people." HER: "what errands were you running?" ME: "oh, just some stuff I had to get done." Thing is, I could've just gone shopping. If I told her that, she'd just go tell people that all Urban does is spend all her money on shopping :lachen: . Errrrmmm :look:

At this stage, I've had enough. I don't call her. I don't text her back. When she calls I keep the convo very short. She still doesn't get the message. She still wants to meet up, but I will not be around other people with her. No ma'am.

I believe in accepting people as they are or not at all. I will never ask someone to change for me. Since I can't accept her behaviour, I accept that we can no longer be friends. She's a good person, but these behaviours are a deal breaker for me.

On a friend's behaviour reflecting on you ... sure it does. If you're often seen together, people will assume you're of the same mind frame. Unless they get to know you.

Sorry to hijack, OP. I guess I'm just in the same boat. Glad to know I'm not the only one!
I think you have outgrown her. Her obnoxiousness has nothing to do with her not having a man. She is just obnoxious. Dang single woman have enough on their plates.

You don't have to include her in everything that you do. She could just be your concert friend.

Some men do like loud women.
I think you have outgrown her. Her obnoxiousness has nothing to do with her not having a man. She is just obnoxious. Dang single woman have enough on their plates.

You don't have to include her in everything that you do. She could just be your concert friend.

Some men do like loud women.

ITA with this whole post.
...This is the dilemma. She always asks why she can't find a man. I tell her she needs to tone it down a bit. Her answer is always, well, I have to be myself. I told her about how she was too loud at the supper club and her answer was well, yall know how I am so why did yall invite me? She got mad and said she's tired of being told she can't be herself. She's a really funny person and everywhere we go guys laugh and say things like, oh you're so funny or something because they can't believe some of the things she says that most women wouldn't say. This encourages her to act this way to get attention...
*sigh* This is why I REALLY wish single women would STOP asking why they "can't" find a man (and, yes, I realize that not all single women do this, but those who do, need to knock it off). She asked you an honest question and you gave her your honest opinion. If she's committed to being herself, she needs to keep being herself and let the chips (whether those "chips" are embarrassed friends or diminished dating prospects) fall where they may. To get back to your original question, I'd take this remark of hers to heart:
yall know how I am so why did yall invite me?
and stop extending invitations.
I have a friend who is like this too. She gets drunk and behaves so inappropriately. At one party she was so drunk, falling all over the place and jumping (literally jumping!!) onto every guy that walked through the door. I was SO SO SO embarrassed :blush:.

She doesn't think before she speaks. - i.e. We once went to a festival and later got talking to one of the performers. She just came right out and told the guy his performance was horrible. I wanted to die!!!! - Another time we were talking to a mutual friend of ours who was suggesting we go out for dinner. She then asks the mutual friend if her man would be paying :nono:.

OMG! When I read your post I had to read where you were from to make sure we weren't talking about the same girl LOL :lachen:Please tell me she wasn't REALLY jumping on every man LOL. I'm sorry, but I'm sitting here cracking up because it sounds like she has my friend Kim beat LOL.

And she blurts everything that comes to mind out also. People brag about being able to speak their minds but people don't realize that ANYBODY can do that. It takes more tact and brains to think of HOW to say things and to know what should and shouldn't be said.

And this is another one she did at the fish fry. A mutual friend we hadn't seen in years offered to buy us drinks. I declined but she said give me a DOUBLE shot of Rum!! :perplexed I gave her a look like, are you serious? I asked her why she got a double and she said "because it's free"!! I told her that's not free and it's not right and told her she should at least offer to buy him his next round. A guy friend told me that they call women that do things like that Bum B-tches. That really made me see how she is going to reflect on me if people don't already know me. :nono:

I think you have outgrown her. Her obnoxiousness has nothing to do with her not having a man. She is just obnoxious. Dang single woman have enough on their plates.

You don't have to include her in everything that you do. She could just be your concert friend.

Some men do like loud women.

You couldn't be more correct, I've outgrown her and she just can't go everywhere with us.

And you're right, there's somebody for everybody so I hope she hurries and finds him so she can chill out a bit. :grin:
*sigh* This is why I REALLY wish single women would STOP asking why they "can't" find a man (and, yes, I realize that not all single women do this, but those who do, need to knock it off). She asked you an honest question and you gave her your honest opinion. If she's committed to being herself, she needs to keep being herself and let the chips (whether those "chips" are embarrassed friends or diminished dating prospects) fall where they may. To get back to your original question, I'd take this remark of hers to heart: and stop extending invitations.
Right! I'm not perfect either but if I knew I had a behavior that was irritating I would think I'd at least try to change it if I could. She blames everyone else for not liking her behavior but she's gotta look within.

And her saying the thing about we shouldn't have invited her will have to be the basis for invitations for other outings. I will repeat it back to her and say that's why.

There is a difference between being a unique being with personality and straight rude. Your friend appears to be a rude individual who doesn’t know how to conduct herself in various social settings. As we grow older and mature, certain behavior becomes unacceptable. We also must realize that some relationships have an expiration date. It appears to me that the friendship between you and Kim has ran its course. You have some options. You can give her another chance by speaking with her honestly about your feelings. Give her the opportunity to change her ways. If she continues on the same path then start distancing yourself.
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There is a difference between being a unique being with personality and straight rude. Your friend appears to be a rude individual who doesn’t know how to conduct herself in various social settings. As we grow older and mature, certain behavior becomes unacceptable. We also must realize that some relationships have an expiration date. It appears to me that the friendship between you and Kim has ran its course. You have some options. You can give her another chance by speaking with her honestly about your feelings. Give her the opportunity to change her ways. If she continues on the same path then start distancing yourself. If her is behaving badly in public around your other friends, that is a bad reflection on you.

This is what it's boiled down to. I have to really tell her in detail instead of trying to sugar coat it about how the things she's doing are embarassing me. I have nothing to lose at this point because I don't think I can continue to hang out with her if that kinda behavior continues anyway.

I would back off and not hang out with her as much. Friends grow apart sometimes.

I was compelled to read your post because I am going through the same thing. I have backed off. It was getting to a point where she was lying about conversations I didn't have with her to my SO in an effort to figure out our business.

She is a fun person to be around, however my friend has an inferiority complex and it manifest through being loud and having to be the center of attenion--oftentimes making her look stupid and me feeling sorry for her.
She got mad and said she's tired of being told she can't be herself.

I'm with her on that. *shrug* if she's concerned about finding a man then she's going to have to take it upon herself to discover how she should best go about doing that (if it means she should stop being loud and obnoxious, if she really wants a man she should do that) but in general, I'm on her side of the story here. That's not to say I would wanna go out in public with her nor that I have issues with being embarrassing and obnoxious to my friends, but I know how it feels to have people constantly telling you to be some other way than what comes natural to you.
I had a friend kinda like that. Its funny she actually pushed me away because I got a 'new best friend' when this girl had a new best friend or play cousin every year and I never said anything nor did I care. I dont own you.

Anyway, people grow apart sometimes. Its natural. And its ok to love from a distance. Be there for her when she needs but you'll don't have to kick it like that.
If the comedienne Lisa Lampanelli can find a man, your friend can.

If you still like hanging out with her, do so. I sometimes say mean things to my friends but try to make a joke out of it so it's not as hurtful. Next time she acts crazy just say it "Damn girl, you are so embarrasing. Can't take you nowhere! I still love you, though". Th
It's funny, nearly three weeks ago and a friend can back into my life and I hadn't seen for three years. I thought I could handle her in my life, but I cut the conversation very short and I told her that I was busy and she brought me some fruit, after she realised that we didn't go any further, she took her fruit with her.

I think we have to regard our friends like parts of a tree, some people are leaves, they are only with you for a season, some people are like branches, they are with you for a while, and some people are with you for a lifetime, they are roots.

I feel that you and your friend have outgrow each other, don't feel guilty about that, but let her go and wish her the best. I hope that helps.
IMO she's acting out because of the group's pressure on having a bf. The whole post has put too much of an importance on being in a relationship or finding someone, Kim feels this pressure and is just acting out to conceal her feelings.
It's funny, nearly three weeks ago and a friend can back into my life and I hadn't seen for three years. I thought I could handle her in my life, but I cut the conversation very short and I told her that I was busy and she brought me some fruit, after she realised that we didn't go any further, she took her fruit with her.

I think we have to regard our friends like parts of a tree, some people are leaves, they are only with you for a season, some people are like branches, they are with you for a while, and some people are with you for a lifetime, they are roots.

I feel that you and your friend have outgrow each other, don't feel guilty about that, but let her go and wish her the best. I hope that helps.

I really like this!!!! Thanks for posting!
Maybe she feels her role in your group of friends is changing. Since she's the only single one, she has to be the "fun, crazy one". I don't know what to tell you. Distance yourself.