Long-Term Relaxer Stretchers.....................


New Member
For those who stretch 12wks or more, do you trim while stretching or wait until you relax?

I am currently 17wks post and I don't plan on relaxing until spring. When I'm wear braid-outs, weaves, etc. it doesn't bother me, but when I decide to press my hair out my ratty ends disgust me.

Does it make sense to trim or let them be until I relax and do a major trim?
I hardly ever trim (like once a year) Since my hair's always in a bun, my ends pretty much stay even and un-raggedy :lol: When they DO look a little uneven or whispy, I do a light dusting. Dusting makes a huge difference :yep:
I understand what you mean about the ratty ends. Yesterday I straightened* my hair for the first time and the ends were just NASTY. I started toying with the idea of relaxing just so I can get my hair trimmed. I really don't want to relax for another 6 weeks, but even though I wear my hair up 99% of the time I know how bad my ends are and they make me sad. I'm going to ride it out for 6 weeks though, because I need a professional trim and I don't see any point to getting one now with NG all over the place.

* I used a CHI iron on 250 degrees - only one pass and didn't linger at any point. Should barely count as using direct heat!
I just did a 16week stretch and I didn't trim this time. Before I relaxed my hair I wanted to trim so badly. It didn't look bad (to me) afterwards so I didn't trim it... this time around.
I stretch for 6 months at a time.Im on my 3rd 6 month stretch now. Im currently 15 weeks post. I only dust when needed. Thats when I flat Iron my hair. I bun most of the times anyway.