(long sigh) I need HELP! Naturals Who Exercise...


New Member
I just started working out again this week and my hair is tripping big time! I've noticed little broken hairs and it even feels a little crunchy today. My scalp tends to be more on the oily side. So, I'm thinking its just the build-up but I'm not sure. I've also had more protein in my diet...so I was thinking that could be the problem too. (I'll try to do a strand test tonight)What do you ladies think?? How often are you ladies that work out pooing your hair?? I pooed two of the days that I worked out but it didnt really seem to make a difference. I had build-up again a few hours later. Do I need to change products maybe??? Here's my regi:

Co-wash/rinse as needed (daily or every other day) Some days I just rinse and apply my leave-in (Cantu Shea Butter). When I use a conditioner its been Aubrey's, HE Totally Twisted, or Biolage. Then apply my leave-in (Cantu) and seal with EVCO. If I'm wearing a puff I use Aloe Vera Gel on my edges. I sleep on a satin pillow; sometimes with a satin cap

What do you think ladies??? Am I using too much product?? Do u think the EVCO could be too thick?? Too much protein??? I dont know what to do...I'm open to any suggestions, please help:sad:
I find that I have to use a non SLS shampoo once a week on my scalp to stop the build up of sweat and conditioners from co-washing. When I'm not working out I don't need to shampoo nearly as often. The scalp does produce more of everything when I workout... But that's me, I'm a heavy head sweater. Some people don't sweat in their hair much. It will be interesting to see the responses you get.

I make sure to shampoo my scalp and not my hair so much (I use a squirt bottle). I dilute the shampoo with water, and sometimes I add a light oil like jojoba or almond to dilute the shampoo. I also do an oil pre-poo as well to keep my hair from drying out.

ETA: The protein in your diet should not change the hair on your scalp. I never experienced that. If anything you should get more growth, that's been my experience.
Thanks JJ, the diluted shampoo is a good idea. I think I'll try taking a spray bottle to the gym with me. And thanks for the clarification with the protein. My hair did not feel brittle so I was thinking it wasn't the extra protein making my hair break but I wasnt sure.
Thanks JJ, the diluted shampoo is a good idea. I think I'll try taking a spray bottle to the gym with me. And thanks for the clarification with the protein. My hair did not feel brittle so I was thinking it wasn't the extra protein making my hair break but I wasnt sure.
The brittleness could be from build up of products coupled by the sweat. I don't know if you are a heavy head sweater or not...I am...:lol: Make sure to use water soluble products on your hair on workout days and steer clear of cones for now.
The brittleness could be from build up of products coupled by the sweat. I don't know if you are a heavy head sweater or not...I am...:lol: Make sure to use water soluble products on your hair on workout days and steer clear of cones for now.

Yea, I am too....It's weird; my head starts sweating before anything else does. In the summertime last year I had to poo twice a week w/o exercise to keep my scalp clean. During the winter I've been able to get away w/once every other week which has been nice. I guess I just need to stop being lazy and up the poo:yep:.
Yea, I am too....It's weird; my head starts sweating before anything else does. In the summertime last year I had to poo twice a week w/o exercise to keep my scalp clean. During the winter I've been able to get away w/once every other week which has been nice. I guess I just need to stop being lazy and up the poo:yep:.
Be picky about the poo you use. I am going to make a castle based poo with some oils and perhaps some aloe juice mixed in to help not dry out my hair. If you focus on the scalp and just let the soap runnoff take care of cleaning your hair you will be in good shape. Another trick I use is shampooing in loose braids, this helps keep me from shampooing my hair and keeps me focused on my scalp. That's also why I recommend using styling products that don't encourage build up. Pocahontas mentioned in another thread about using Lustrasilk Mango cholestorol, it is great for making the curls pop! Gels are drying so beware of that, sweat and gels don't mix well...:nono: I also cowash during the week, but at the end of the week I have to do my poo! :yep: or my head will itch me out of town :lol:


Don't forget to DC at least once per week after your poo....keep the DC off your scalp.
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My hair is not long enough to make big plaits yet....I'm still waiting on that day to come. Ok, so yea...I'll cut the aloe vera gel out too for now. For my poo I've been using either my shikaikai poo bar or Paul Mitchell's Shampoo 1 to clarify. Both keep my hair soft. I dont think it will hurt my hair to shikaikai poo after each workout. I've been thinking about trying the castille soaps as well.
My hair is not long enough to make big plaits yet....I'm still waiting on that day to come. Ok, so yea...I'll cut the aloe vera gel out too for now. For my poo I've been using either my shikaikai poo bar or Paul Mitchell's Shampoo 1 to clarify. Both keep my hair soft. I dont think it will hurt my hair to shikaikai poo after each workout. I've been thinking about trying the castille soaps as well.
I like castle soap, but I find I have to dilute it in some way because it's strong. I love it though, it will cut right through the grim but I don't think it strips the hair so much. You do not want to strip your hair, just get your scalp reasonably clean.
Let us know how that works out for you over the next couple - three weeks.

It's funny I went 8 days with out shampooing because I was busy last week. Girl I had to stop what I was doing last Sunday (working in the yard) and go shampoo my scalp because it was telling me I had gone one day too many! :lol: The itching was about to drive me nuts. After my shampoo I was like (ah!)
Everything Atlanta JJ said. :yep:

I sweat very heavy in my head as well. I literally look like someone poured half a cup of water over my head. :ohwell: There is no getting around having to wash/rinse my hair. When I had a relaxer I would just rinse with water to get the salt off my scalp and off my hair. Now, I will usually wash with the HairVeda Amala Cream Rinse and follow with the MOist 24/7 conditioner (or the Moist 24/7 Pro if I need a protein boost). At the end of the week I still do a complete wash with my Ayurvedic powders, followed by a DC.