Long layers


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have their hair cut into long layers? My hair is between my shoulder blades and I hate wearing it down because it looks so bulky and plain. So, I was thinking about getting some layers to spice it up. However, I'm hesitant becasue the last time I had them I hated them because they took so long to grow out. But now that I think about it, I probably got tired of them because of the style they were in. Ok, enough rambling. For those of you that have layers, do you regret it? Does it give you more styling options?
Hi Rayne,

The layers don't give me more styling options in fact, they are kind of limiting. When I tried a braid out and twist out, I didn't wear it down because to me it did not look right due to the layers. Also, if I wear my hair in a pony tail it looks choppy to me because of the different lengths. I can't wait until they grow out.
When I had layers, mine grew out pretty quick. But since you said your hair is bulky, layers can make your hair appear more thicker, so keep that in mind as well. There are different types of layers, but I wouldn't recommend getting too many different lengths of layers (for instance, short and long layers all at once). They can make your hair look a bit chopped up if you sport ponytails.
I like my long layers. It breaks up that all in one hanging curtain look (this is my opinion on how it looks on me).

I think it gives the hair shape and therefore a more stylish look. Mine grow out fairly quickly too which I don't mind too much at looks sexier growing out anyway I think (as long as your hair is in a healthy state).
Thanks ladies. I wear my hair in ponytails, braid outs and sometimes spirals so having choppy hair due to the layers was another concern of mine. Drats, maybe I'll just get it feathered in the front and call it a day
I have long layers -
MY stylist cut them starting at my chin down - so they start at my jawline - I love them - the only down side is wanting to put it up - or braids then it becomes a pain in the ass!
I agree - I've grown to like my layers (which I've only gotten as a result of growing and cutting my previously damaged hair in phases). Before, my dream had been to have the curtain hanging look BRH mentioned. But now I'm not so sure. I've never turned heads before the way I do now. It's not just my imagination.

Unless it's one of those things where because I feel better about my hair, I'm exuding more confidence (and that's the real head-turner)

Growing them out takes a lot of time and patience.
I had my hair cut in layers for the same reason you mentioned above, my layers are short though because I had a chin length bob before I had the layers cut in. I like the layers though and I think it will look better once my hair gets longer
Anyone who has paid attention to any of my posts knows I can't stand my layers. I'm trying to grow mine out and I never even wanted my hair cut in layers. It really depends on the person, some like them, some hate them. They really are a pain to grow out and in certain styles like ponytails or a bun or twist you may have some pieces that stick out.

I would love to have that hanging curtain look, in fact I envy anyone with all one length hair. Just think about it before you do it. And yeah, you probably will like your layers a lot at first, but later on.......That is another story. If you do get layers don't get them cut where there is a big difference in one layer to the next, because that makes growing out even more difficult.
Well, I love my layers! I wore a short layered cut for years and now that my hair has been growing, it just continues growing that way. Although I have a few too many and I would like longer layers I don't think I'll ever won't my hair to be all one length I don't think it will ever grow to be all one length anyway because my hair grows down in a shag. I can still wear my hair in different styles without it looking funny.
I love my layers! My hair grows in layered, so even if I even it out, it will re-layer again eventually.
I hated mine(I was growing them out) until a few weeks ago. Addrienne talked me into not chopping my hair off to shoulder length to get rid of them. Now that they are long and mostly in the bottom section of my hair I really like the fullness I get around the bottom half of my hair...My problem is when I go to get it cut will they be able to cut them long like they are now? I hate short layers.
My stylist keeps trying to get me to try them. I have 4A relaxed hair. It is approximately 1-1/2 inches from the top of my bra strap. However I think it would be "messy". I also remember at other stages, "growing out" of a cut...YUCK!!! Remember the short feathered hair cut? I though I would never make it out of it.
i wouldnt be able to live with out layers in my hair (ok its not that drastic) but i love my layers. i think all hair should have at least one layer because hair thats all one length is just plain to me unless its already really long. but anyway i like them because they give you a lot more versatility and ive never had a problem where i couldnt achieve a certain style because of my layers. but too many layers can be ugly too though.
I love my layers! My hair grows in layered, so even if I even it out, it will re-layer again eventually.

[/ QUOTE ]

me too, sweetpea, and i wouldn't have it any other way!! the layers make my hair look like it's cut into a style even though it really isn't.

sweetcocoa, i'm glad you decided to keep the layers. when you go to get it trimmed, tell them to just take the same amont all over. "don't style it. nothing fancy. 1/4" (or whatever you need) all over" and watch them like a hawk!

emeraldsky, to me, short layers are when different parts of your hair are drastically different lengths -- kinda like an extreme shag cut or something. there are also short layers on hair that is shorter, but the differences in length aren't as extreme.
Thanks for the info Adrienne, what length are the shortest layers in your hair? (jawlength, etc.) Your hair looks so great especially with the layers!
In my experience, going to the salon for layers has meant a loss of several inches of hair. I did it twice in college with 2 diff. stylists and both of them cut off the length of my hair even though I expected that they would leave me with some length.
the shortest layers are a past shoulder length, where the rest is almost at my waist. this one is old, but you can see the difference in this pic:


the difference in lengths is the same now even though it has grown some.
Thanks ladies. After thinking about it, I've decided to get the layers. My hair is sooooo boring so it can't be any worse than it is now
I have long layers and I hate them because instead of them growing out to one length, they just become longer layers!
I love and hate my layers
reasons i love them: (added volume, really look nice when my stylist uses her curling wands and gives me the choppy look, gives my face more character)

hate: (ponytails look jacked up, buns look jacked up, hair just looks weird with all these different lengths unless i keep it up....and while layers go grow out how my hair is now i never have hair one length unless i do a huge chop)
and to do that i would have to be drunk!