Long-Haired Ladies Using the Lunar Chart: Can I Interview You?


Well-Known Member
I was stalking the classic to mid-thigh challenge and saw someone post the link to the lunar chart. I don't know much about it but it really seems interesting and I am thinking of trying it myself.
I was going to write a blog post about it in a couple of weeks and was wondering if any long-haired ladies (MBL+) believe it has contributed (either somewhat or fully) to their length/thickness, and was wondering if I could interview you. I was hoping to use 2 or 3 people for the feature.
I'm interested too just for the heck of it. I hope tomorrow is a good day for a trim though... :look:
Well, according to the chart, Feb 12 is a day for retarding hair growth.
I'm not sure I believe in it and everything, but I am really interested! I planned a trim around the same time it's good for increasing length so I think I am going to try it this year just to see.
Here's the chart.
My mother used to trim my hair according to the lunar calendar...or at least of sorts. She would trim on a "growing" or waxing moon, between the new moon of one month and a full moon. I had nearly TBL hair as a child. I recently started trimming my hair according to the Morrocco method calender about a year and 1/2 ago, and I saw some really great growth and retention. I was also PS under a wig and trimming quarterly and dusted my ends between small trims according to the calender.

Here's a thread on my progress during that time: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/ha...ts-1-year-progress-pics-hair-porn-inside.html
My mother used to trim my hair according to the lunar calendar...or at least of sorts. She would trim on a "growing" or waxing moon, between the new moon of one month and a full moon. I had nearly TBL hair as a child. I recently started trimming my hair according to the Morrocco method calender about a year and 1/2 ago, and I saw some really great growth and retention. I was also PS under a wig and trimming quarterly and dusted my ends between small trims according to the calender.

Here's a thread on my progress during that time: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/ha...ts-1-year-progress-pics-hair-porn-inside.html

Your hair is like... omg. Luscious!!!
Awesome growth! I'll definitely be PMing you some interview questions soon - sometime later today when I'm actually coherent enough to formulate them.
I would love to use that Pixistrip of September 09 versus September 10 with your permission, if possible.
I don't plan to post until Feb 24 but wanted to get a jumpstart so I could get the questions and answers together and permission to use pics.

Looking for 1 or 2 more!
Your hair is like... omg. Luscious!!!
Awesome growth! I'll definitely be PMing you some interview questions soon - sometime later today when I'm actually coherent enough to formulate them.
I would love to use that Pixistrip of September 09 versus September 10 with your permission, if possible.
I don't plan to post until Feb 24 but wanted to get a jumpstart so I could get the questions and answers together and permission to use pics.

Looking for 1 or 2 more!

Thank you. And yes, you may ask me questions and use my pictures :grin:
LOL, wellllllllllll I cut and trimmed my hair today. Got bangs and whatever so if it retards my growth that's good for my bangs. :grin: To be honest, I'll just focus on health for the next 3-5 months until my next relaxer.
kblc06 Thanks so much! I am going to send those questions soon! I have been sick and kind of out of it but you should have them by tomorrow night. Thanks so much again!

Aireen I mean, I'm pretty sure I cut during those retardation periods all of my life. I just learned about the chart recently. :ohwell:
When I trim (well, I use the split ender), I do so by the moon phases. I don't really feel comfortable commenting on it because I don't know if it's contributed to my growth or not. I did 3 trims last year and checked the chart on the Morocco Method and the info posted at longhairlovers. Since the chart on the Morocco Method site is calculated for California and I'm in Georgia, I use this lunar calendar because you can customize it for where you live to get more accurate dates.

I just did a trim on thursday, which is supposed to be a good date for length. Again, I don't know if or why but, after seeing the same links that you probably saw, I thought "why not?" :rolleyes: If there's validity, great. If not, at least I have a way to plan and stick to a trim schedule.
I was stalking the classic to mid-thigh challenge and saw someone post the link to the lunar chart. I don't know much about it but it really seems interesting and I am thinking of trying it myself.
I was going to write a blog post about it in a couple of weeks and was wondering if any long-haired ladies (MBL+) believe it has contributed (either somewhat or fully) to their length/thickness, and was wondering if I could interview you. I was hoping to use 2 or 3 people for the feature.

This chart was very popular back in the early hair growing days.:grin:
@NJoy. What is exactly your cutting regimen? If you don't mind. Is it just whenever there is a new moon?

No, not really. I'm not that deep with it. My cuts last year was simply because I bought the split ender. Then I went to the charts to find out the best days for cutting. My recent cut, even tho my ends didn't need it, was because I'd been hair lazy and wanted some fresh ends. So again, I checked the charts to find an appropriate day to do so.

With the reggie that I'm using, my ends really didn't need to be cut any of those times. But, if there's some validity to cutting with the moon phases and it only costs me 1/4" and I get fresh ends, I figure why not?

All that to say, I don't have a real trim schedule or reggie. I do think that I'll trim at least once a quarter this year tho. And since I hope to reach my goal before the year's out, I'll trim to level out these layers.
NJoy: I would LOVE to use you as well because that is the perspective I am relating to. Not completely sure but curious and if it's valid, why not?

I will have PMs coming to both you and kblc06 tonight or tomorrow morning!
Thanks so much ladies!
And I will be sure to update this thread with the link after I blog it for anyone else who is curious.
I'm not even close to MBL but I cut by the moon. I have for at least a 1 1/2 years. I think it helps. And once my great aunt who was over 90 wanted to cut her hair and I was like why (b/c she's older). She was like it'll grow right back b/c she was cutting it by the moon. So if it worked for her, I'm sticking w/ it!
No, not really. I'm not that deep with it. My cuts last year was simply because I bought the split ender. Then I went to the charts to find out the best days for cutting. My recent cut, even tho my ends didn't need it, was because I'd been hair lazy and wanted some fresh ends. So again, I checked the charts to find an appropriate day to do so.

With the reggie that I'm using, my ends really didn't need to be cut any of those times. But, if there's some validity to cutting with the moon phases and it only costs me 1/4" and I get fresh ends, I figure why not?

All that to say, I don't have a real trim schedule or reggie. I do think that I'll trim at least once a quarter this year tho. And since I hope to reach my goal before the year's out, I'll trim to level out these layers.

Thanks for calender. How by the calender do you check for the appropriate day to cut your hair ?? Is there a symbol or a certain moon phase??
Thanks for calender. How by the calender do you check for the appropriate day to cut your hair ?? Is there a symbol or a certain moon phase??

In addition to that lunar calendar, I reference these two links:
The Morrocco Method chart and LongHairLovers.

The info at LongHairLovers give good general information. For instance, it breaks down whether conditions are moist (favorable) or dry (unfavorable) for cutting based on which zodiac sign the moon is in. Also, if it's dry, that's a good time to DC the hair. Just check out out the info on both links. It'll make sense.

I check the Morrocco method and verify the dates and conditions based on the other two charts. If there's a conflice, say the Morrocco method says a date is good but the LHL says the date is not, I avoid it altogether...just to be safe. :lol:

And again, I only do this when I want to plan a trim. I don't let it tell me when I HAVE to trim. So, I don't do it just because a particular moon is coming...unless it seems like a good time for a trim anyway. Hope that makes sense.
In addition to that lunar calendar, I reference these two links:
The Morrocco Method chart and LongHairLovers.

The info at LongHairLovers give good general information. For instance, it breaks down whether conditions are moist (favorable) or dry (unfavorable) for cutting based on which zodiac sign the moon is in. Also, if it's dry, that's a good time to DC the hair. Just check out out the info on both links. It'll make sense.

I check the Morrocco method and verify the dates and conditions based on the other two charts. If there's a conflice, say the Morrocco method says a date is good but the LHL says the date is not, I avoid it altogether...just to be safe. :lol:

And again, I only do this when I want to plan a trim. I don't let it tell me when I HAVE to trim. So, I don't do it just because a particular moon is coming...unless it seems like a good time for a trim anyway. Hope that makes sense.
I decided to try this method a month ago. I am a Leo and my understanding was I should trim on the full moon of Feb 18th the chart says March 18th- I also live in Georgia. I noticed you trimmed Thurs-soooo am I too late? Did I misunderstand something?
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