long hair WITHOUT vitamins


New Member
Has anyone(especially 4a/b's) achieve long hair(bra strap or longer) without vitamins. i have seen members with long hair but they all seem to be taking vitamins. i don't want to take vitamins because i can't bother with the hassle of taking pills everyday. i want long hair but are vitamins that important to the point where i can't get long hair without them. i believe i can get long hair but instead of 2 years to get beyond bra strap it would probadly take 3-4 years.

what are you guys view on the issue
About 8 years ago, I achieved bra strap long hair without vitamins. I was eating very healthy though (300 grams of vegetables per day and 1,5 litres of plain water). I had a braid in that time for almost 1 year.
I think you answered your own question
You certainly can get long hair without taking vitamins. Think of all the people back in the day who had long hair-they never took vitamins. If you're getting proper nutrition and continue taking good care of your hair, it will grow to its full potential--but as you mentioned, it may not grow as QUICKLY as it would if you had a boost from extra vitamins.
Yes you can grow your hair long without vitamins. As long as you have a healthy diet and a good hair care regimen that you stick with consistently.
Yes you can grow your hair long without vitamins. As long as you have a healthy diet and a good hair care regimen that you stick with consistently.

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I agree.
Yes, indeed. I only discovered this board about a month ago. I had just finished Cathy Howse's book where I learned about zinc and iron being good for hair. Until then, I'd not really considered vitamins for growing hair. Nails, yes (coz I went through a spell of weak nails) but never hair. And I never stayed on the nail supps long enough anyway to see any results, so I can't even credit them with my hair progress. Anyway, I've worn braids for two years and in that time I have had 7-9 inches of growth. I had about 6 inches of relaxed hair two years ago which I've gradually chopped off (Measurements are scalp to ends). I believe if my relaxer hadn't gone so wrong or if I'd have known half the things I know now, I'd still be relaxing my hair and I'd have kept my 6 inches. So adding the growth I've achieved, I'd have 13-15 inches give or take an inch (allowing for trimming). And that I did without paying attention to diet or knowing anything about vitamins/minerals that help hair grow strong and healthy. I only knew that washing and conditioning often was good for my hair. And that knowledge alone has given me the longest hair I've ever sported in my life. (Did I mention I spent my teens with a wee afro about 3 inches long when stretched but about an inch high when left alone? I never at that time imagined I'd see the length I now have.) 7-9 inches in two years may not seem like much to some people, but it was a huge leap for me.
Besides when your hair reaches your bra-strap, or your bum, or the behind your knees...how long it took to get there will not matter. The only reason I know it took two years to get where I am is because I can remember when I gave up on my relaxed hair and put in my extensions: August 2001.
I don't take vitamins. My hair grew very fast. Look at my album. I think that moisture is the key. Not to pull a race card, but other races who have long hair don't necessarily pop a buncha vitamins to get long hair, but they more than likely wet their hair often and as a result it grows grows grows!! That's my secret
I dont think it is necessary to take vitamins to grow your hair long. The females that I know with long hair that is thick and healthy dont take vitamins. I think washing your hair more often makes a difference b/c the scalp is clean which is important for hair growth and water is a good moisturizer.
Yes you can grow your hair long without vitamins. As long as you have a healthy diet and a good hair care regimen that you stick with consistently.

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I think so, too.
I dont think it is necessary to take vitamins to grow your hair long. The females that I know with long hair that is thick and healthy dont take vitamins. I think washing your hair more often makes a difference b/c the scalp is clean which is important for hair growth and water is a good moisturizer.

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I agree with this. I used to wash&cond 2 to 3 times a week back when I had midback length hair. It was healthy & I didn't have any scalp problems.
I don't think you should take vitamins if you are against them. Just try to eat healthily. I think genetics does play a factor.

I have always had longer hair than my sister and she take better care of her hair than I do.
I have before. Right now I'm taking just a multi and MSM.

Long hair is acheivable without vitamins though. The key is how you look after it.
All you have to do is eat healthy and you'll get most of the nutrients you need. There's really not a difference in eating healthy and taking vitamins. You're still getting nutrients in your body.
I never took vitamins, not even a multi before joining this board and I had waist length hair. It's very possible with the right nutrition and genetics.
i still think its good to take a multi and msm because most of us eat fried food and that depletes most of the nutrients in our foods. two vitamins a day cant hurt can it?
I agree with this. I used to wash&cond 2 to 3 times a week back when I had midback length hair. It was healthy & I didn't have any scalp problems.

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This makes a lot of sense. I notice my scalp starting to get sore now if I go more than 4 days without washing it.
i still think its good to take a multi and msm because most of us eat fried food and that depletes most of the nutrients in our foods.

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who told u that most of us eat fried foods? U are funny.
i still think its good to take a multi and msm because most of us eat fried food and that depletes most of the nutrients in our foods.

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who told u that most of us eat fried foods? U are funny.

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Fried foods???
i tried vitamins but all these pills got on my last nerve. and some of them broke me out too. so i stopped and i don't take any vitamins. not even a daily multivitamin. i have 3b/c hair and it's growing well though.
I think taking a daily multivitamin is just good for your health in general--hair growth aside. Most of us don't have the daily variety in our diet that we need to maintain a constant supply of the many different nutrients we need. Of course, the body still functions without it, but maybe not as well as it could . . .
Hello Everyone:
I am new to this forum. I want to say that I think vitamins/proper nutrition (vitamins that are bioavailable, easily assimilable) really help in the hair growing process. I will use my son as an example. He started having health problems over a year ago. We explored all of our options to facilitate restoring him to good health. After researching thoroughly - twice a day we started giving him Barley Green, MSM, Apple Cider Vinegar amongst other supplements.(and lots of purified water) Now a year later, we continue with the same supplements and his health is much improved. His hair has grown so much. We didn't aim for nor expect this!!! A year ago, he had less than 1/8" of hair. Now, he has a full head of natural hair that - when braided in single "box-type" braids - is shoulder length. Now, he refuses to cut it. My point is that I know proper nutrition is the key to his improved health (as reflected by his long healthy thick hair).
I don't take vitamins and my thick 4a/4b relaxed hair is below bra strap. I'm only speaking for myself, but my hair has always grown without the aid of vitamins.

I have a problem swallowing pills so vitamins in pill form are not an option for me. If they ever come in liquid form, I just might consider taking them.
thanks everyone for responding. i didn't think i would get any support on this topic. i am more confident now that i will reach my goal of midback in 2-4 years. you guys really are a supporting team.