Long hair without cowashing or bunning


Well-Known Member
Just curious............anyone retain length or achieve healthy hair without cowashing or protective styling???? If so..what did you do:perplexed
My hair loves moisture. I found that I have to use deep conditioner everytime I wash which is 2-3 times a week! I follow with evoo and no heat to dry.I make sure I put extra condish on the ends. I tried to cowash and it didn't work for me. Bunning was nice and I loved the look on me, but I grew tired of buns. For me it was using deep condish instead of regular condish. Again this is what works for me. I am currently brastrap length.
Check out Sylver2 here or longhairdontcare on youtube...idk she has some numbers at the end of her name...I can't think of any other ladies....before I started my hhj, my hair was mbl and I never co-washed...hardly ever washed actually it was a bit nasty. I washed whenever I got a touch up (every 6 to 8 weeks) OR I would wash it once a month because my mom would talk about me. I did however, wear my hair in a ponytail everyday just out of laziness....hair started breaking off when I decided to be cute and use heat frequently.....so for me it was still low manipulation although I wasn't bunning. For sylver and longhairdontcare lady, they also practice low manipulation by not combing or washing multiple times a week.
My hair loves moisture. I found that I have to use deep conditioner everytime I wash which is 2-3 times a week! I follow with evoo and no heat to dry.I make sure I put extra condish on the ends. I tried to cowash and it didn't work for me. Bunning was nice and I loved the look on me, but I grew tired of buns. For me it was using deep condish instead of regular condish. Again this is what works for me. I am currently brastrap length.

Thanks for responding! I'm new on my HHJ and have found that my hair too loves moisture. What products are you using to deep condition?
Check out Sylver2 here or longhairdontcare on youtube...idk she has some numbers at the end of her name...I can't think of any other ladies....before I started my hhj, my hair was mbl and I never co-washed...hardly ever washed actually it was a bit nasty. I washed whenever I got a touch up (every 6 to 8 weeks) OR I would wash it once a month because my mom would talk about me. I did however, wear my hair in a ponytail everyday just out of laziness....hair started breaking off when I decided to be cute and use heat frequently.....so for me it was still low manipulation although I wasn't bunning. For sylver and longhairdontcare lady, they also practice low manipulation by not combing or washing multiple times a week.

Thanks LaFemmeNaturelle!! I will check out the videos on youtube later tonight. Your hair is beautiful, so low manipulation is defnitely working!!:grin:
Well I actually co-wash 3-4 times a week now because I work out everyday and hate to not wash it often lol. So my regimen is co-washing and bunning daily which is why I told you what I did PRIOR to my hhj. Sorry for mis-leading you! But thanks for the compliment
I used to love co-washing but now I don't do it bery often. I can't stand having a wet head every day, so now I'm washing and DCing every 3 days and wearing braid out styles and my hair is thriving just as much as it was when I co-washed a lot.
Umm...if what you don't like about bunning is the protective style then you probably won't care for longhairdontcare's regimen. She is constantly in protective styles.
I rarely cowash and never protective style.

I follow a fairly simple regimen. I moisturize and seal twice a day. I only comb my hair on wash days. I deep condition every time I wash. I do protein treatments every second wash or so. I'm all about enjoying my hair, and wearing it down is how I do so. I haven't had any setbacks for the past year that I've been on my HHJ, so for me, it works :)
I don't co-wash and I rarely bun - sometimes in the summer or when I am on a long stretch, I bun. Protective styles like clipping my hair up or using a phony pony did help me push past shoulder length. I haven't attained great lengths, yet, but I've gone from neck-length to APL without any setbacks. I trim twice a year.
I promise you there is a thread along these lines once every few weeks. I will give it to you blunt -- it is possible for some women, but 80-90% of the women you see with BSL+ hair got there largely through the use of protective styling. They may not all cowash, but they usually wash and deep condition once a week or once every other week. More than likely, trying this method out will get you hovering around APL, then you will get frustrated and bun or braid or something to get you over that hump.

I am an avid cowasher, although I did not protective style until I hit APL (I considered a wash and go a PS, since my hair was not touching my shoulders). Last March, I got mad since I had been right around SL for many months, and once I put my hair in senegalese twists, I quickly retained that inch I was apparently growing and losing from the constant detangling and manipulation I had going on. I enjoyed that length for a while, then decided I would get serious about gaining a few more inches. To get to BSL, I quit the games and just began PSing hardcore.

Just my two cents.
I promise you there is a thread along these lines once every few weeks. I will give it to you blunt -- it is possible for some women, but 80-90% of the women you see with BSL+ hair got there largely through the use of protective styling. They may not all cowash, but they usually wash and deep condition once a week or once every other week. More than likely, trying this method out will get you hovering around APL, then you will get frustrated and bun or braid or something to get you over that hump.

I am an avid cowasher, although I did not protective style until I hit APL (I considered a wash and go a PS, since my hair was not touching my shoulders). Last March, I got mad since I had been right around SL for many months, and once I put my hair in senegalese twists, I quickly retained that inch I was apparently growing and losing from the constant detangling and manipulation I had going on. I enjoyed that length for a while, then decided I would get serious about gaining a few more inches. To get to BSL, I quit the games and just began PSing hardcore.

Just my two cents.
:yep::yep:straight, no chaser.

and for the record, I HATE protective styling. but i can definitely see the value.
I promise you there is a thread along these lines once every few weeks. I will give it to you blunt -- it is possible for some women, but 80-90% of the women you see with BSL+ hair got there largely through the use of protective styling. They may not all cowash, but they usually wash and deep condition once a week or once every other week. More than likely, trying this method out will get you hovering around APL, then you will get frustrated and bun or braid or something to get you over that hump.

I am an avid cowasher, although I did not protective style until I hit APL (I considered a wash and go a PS, since my hair was not touching my shoulders). Last March, I got mad since I had been right around SL for many months, and once I put my hair in senegalese twists, I quickly retained that inch I was apparently growing and losing from the constant detangling and manipulation I had going on. I enjoyed that length for a while, then decided I would get serious about gaining a few more inches. To get to BSL, I quit the games and just began PSing hardcore.

Just my two cents.

my hair isnt apl yet but i found this too...so get your cowashing on! its not likely you will make it without it
I rarely cowash and never protective style.

I follow a fairly simple regimen. I moisturize and seal twice a day. I only comb my hair on wash days. I deep condition every time I wash. I do protein treatments every second wash or so. I'm all about enjoying my hair, and wearing it down is how I do so. I haven't had any setbacks for the past year that I've been on my HHJ, so for me, it works :)

Thanks!!! Your hair is BEAUTILFUL!!!! A simple regimen is exactly what I need..off to check out your fotki:yep:
I think it's similar to weight.
As you can see from the examples, people pointed you to a handful of people who don't do either. They're like that skinny girl you know who can eat whatever and still be thin. You just have to know your body and know whether or not that'll work for you.
Eating veggies and working out might suck, but if it gets you to your goal of a healthy thinner body than it's worth it. So PSing and moisturising (cowashing, DCing) are necessary 'evils' to achieve your goal of healthy long hair.
And same as the weight game, there'll be all kindsa fads along the way that may or may not work long term (taking a gazillion vitamins, Mn, mtg, megatek...). But in the end protective styling a bit and keeping the hair moisturised seems to be the more or less universal answer.
Finally, don't feel the need to wear a bun 24/7 if you don't enjoy it, just like you take a day or two off from working out, it's ok to let your hair down every once in a while. IMHO.
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Just curious............anyone retain length or achieve healthy hair without cowashing or protective styling???? If so..what did you do:perplexed

No cowashing or PSing. I would get a Dominican blowout every week and relaxed every 12 weeks. I did DC at least 2-3 a month and managed to have hair down between HL and TBL. I've cut it to shoulder length and still managed to grow it back out like that. I've jumped on several bandwagons since joining LHCF, but the truth is that what I had been doing worked fine for my hair and my hair goals. It is all a matter of what you want and how your hair reacts to the different techniques....
I think it's similar to weight.
As you can see from the examples, people pointed you to a handful of people who don't do either. They're like that skinny girl you know who can eat whatever and still be thin. You just have to know your body and know whether or not that'll work for you.
Eating veggies and working out might suck, but if it gets you to your goal of a healthy thinner body than it's worth it. So PSing and moisturising (cowashing, DCing) are necessary 'evils' to achieve your goal of healthy long hair.
And same as the weight game, there'll be all kindsa fads along the way that may or may not work long term (taking a gazillion vitamins, Mn, mtg, megatek...). But in the end protective styling a bit and keeping the hair moisturised seems to be the more or less universal answer.
Finally, don't feel the need to wear a bun 24/7 if you don't enjoy it, just like you take a day or two off from working out, it's ok to let your hair down every once in a while. IMHO.

Well said, I believe this to be true...
No protective styling or co-washing for me. I can count on one hand how many times I've co-washed it just didn't work for me. And I never, ever wear protective styles, I like to wear my down and enjoy it. :yep:

I started out between shoulder and arm pit. A little over 2 years later I am below bra strap. I have not posted on here in a while, so I don't have any recent pics, but they're on the way.

The key for me was making sure my protein and moisture balance were in check. I achieved this by pre-pooing with Joico K-pac condsh, washed with K-pac Shampoo, Then deep condish under dryer with Kenra MC. Then roller set. I then straighted my roots with my curling iron and wraped my hair nightly. I did this every single week. Please check out my picture trail for the tutorial.
Check out Sylver2 here or longhairdontcare on youtube...idk she has some numbers at the end of her name...I can't think of any other ladies....before I started my hhj, my hair was mbl and I never co-washed...hardly ever washed actually it was a bit nasty. I washed whenever I got a touch up (every 6 to 8 weeks) OR I would wash it once a month because my mom would talk about me. I did however, wear my hair in a ponytail everyday just out of laziness....hair started breaking off when I decided to be cute and use heat frequently.....so for me it was still low manipulation although I wasn't bunning. For sylver and longhairdontcare lady, they also practice low manipulation by not combing or washing multiple times a week.

Well I have to agree with you on this, My hair was MBL/WL and I washed it every 2 weeks. Used my blowdryer after almost every washed, used aphogee every 2-3 months, I used any cheap Shampoo and conditioner I could find on the sales rack that said Moisture. My hair didn't break off but Low manipulation was my key as well I'd put it in phony ponys or when I was going to the salon I'd doobie and put my head wrap on and would take it off on wash day. My hair and I weren't very social with one another but it grew like no tomorrow. I didn't comb it but once a week! So I also agree Low manipulation was my key!

Yet, Now I do wash weekly with a sulfate free shampoo (HAIR ONE) , I can say I am having more fun with my own hair then before.

I feel like I am getting into Lazy mode though, So HOpefully I don't but I feel it coming on, during the warmer months I do.
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