Long Hair Ladies....Side Issues?


Well-Known Member
I've begin to notice that i'm having issues with the hair on the sides. They are shorter than the rest of my hair....except my bangs...and they are rougher in texture than the rest of my hair.

Is anybody or has anybody experiencing/ed this? And how did you fix it?

I wear alot of low tension styles...especially when i go to bed i'll wear a really loose bun on top of my head or two pigtails....even when i deep condition they feel like the most coarse hairs on my head:perplexed
Sometimes I forget the pay attention to the hair above/behind my ears. You know where your headband or glasses rest? I just started applying castor oil to that area along with my nape and temples.
Could it be scab hair growing out? See this link below. Keep moisturizing it and sealing which I am sure you are doing.

Hmmm....but does that apply to relaxed/texlaxed heads too? Mostly everybody in the thread seems to be natural.

Sometimes I forget the pay attention to the hair above/behind my ears. You know where your headband or glasses rest? I just started applying castor oil to that area along with my nape and temples.

I think i'm going to start paying STRICT attention to these areas. Like seperate them from the rest of my hair when co-washing and DC and moisturizing....I always make sure to put my JBCO...or now Bee Mine Serum on these areas....i was just looking at them yesterday and i'm like....why is it that my sides feel rough and dry?:perplexed....could be scab hair i dunno.
Yeah the hair by my glasses are short and have always been short (probably because I've been wearing glasses since middle school). I just ignore it since it doesn't bother me.
I really don't know if scab hair is something relax hair will be applied. Just keep moisturizing and sealing to get it back to being soft. HHJ.