Long Hair a sign of a Healthy Body?

My Friend

New Member
Here on the board alot of supplements and vitamins are taken in order to promote hair growth :yep: So it seems a great side effect of growing long hair is that it takes a healthy body, would you agree?

I know their are people standing in line at McDonalds right now smoking a Marlboro :lachen: and have hair to the floor but I'm referring to the majority.
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nope i disagree i know people who have health issues who have beautiful hair some examples are:

high blood pressure
sickle cell anemia

i think a healthy body/diet/lifestyle helps, but retention and knowing what products work for your hair are the name of the game.
nope i disagree i know people who have health issues who have beautiful hair some examples are:

high blood pressure
sickle cell anemia

i think a healthy body/diet/lifestyle helps, but retention and knowing what products work for your hair are the name of the game.
I agree with this.
Think about the girl who is starving herself with waistlength hair....
We could even bring it closer to home and take a poll on this board. I'm sure we have many ladies BSL and longer who are trying to change their current health situation...

I can't comment on sickle cell. I feel since that is something you are typically born with and can't up and change, you have to be as healthy as you can be...
I actually agree with you a little. I think that when you start your HHJ, it's more likely that you will become more health conscious. I know that's definitely been the case for me. It comes from a combination of hoping that exercise, supplements, water and a balanced diet will increase the growth of hair AND from me wanting to look good from head to toe.
What's the point of having long, swanging hair if your thigh is the size of someone's waist? :nono:

But that said, I don't believe that you need a healthy body to have long, beautiful hair. Or even that if you have healthy hair, then you must have a healthy body. Hair is dead, and most of what makes it look good comes from without, not from within. You can eat cake and cookies and soda for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your body probably will not be looking cute, but as long as you keep up your reggie, your hair will probably be on point. :lachen:
I actually agree with you a little. I think that when you start your HHJ, it's more likely that you will become more health conscious. I know that's definitely been the case for me. It comes from a combination of hoping that exercise, supplements, water and a balanced diet will increase the growth of hair AND from me wanting to look good from head to toe.
What's the point of having long, swanging hair if your thigh is the size of someone's waist? :nono:

But that said, I don't believe that you need a healthy body to have long, beautiful hair. Or even that if you have healthy hair, then you must have a healthy body. Hair is dead, and most of what makes it look good comes from without, not from within. You can eat cake and cookies and soda for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your body probably will not be looking cute, but as long as you keep up your reggie, your hair will probably be on point. :lachen:

Well not necessarily. Healthy hair has a certain sheen to it - an inner glow that is more than oil or silicone gloss. You can see it in animals and it's the same for humans.