London Calling Newbie


New Member
Hi All, firstly what an amazing site thank you to the ladies who set it up and to all who continue to contribute you have saved my hair!!!!:p

I have started a new hair regime to see in the year:

2xweek: CW - rollerset - air dry
1xweek: PREPOO- POO - DC - rollerset - air dry
everyday: leave in conditioner & seal - bag ends - Bun

I use:
Modern Organic Products ( C-System shampoo & Conditioner & serum)
Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Lavender Oil

I think i have 2c hair my new growth is wavey like an s so maybe 3c
not really sure to be honest,
At the moment it is ear lobe lenght, very short and very very dry.

My aim is to get it well moisturised, the ends healthy and get it as long as possible over this year.

last relaxer: december 10th 2006

so i have had a read around and found lots of useful info, however i have a few questions of my own. :scratchch :perplexed

1) What to do?: at the moment my hair is very dry even though i have been applying moisture & sealing every day how can increase the moisture levels

2) How can i moisturize daily without manipulating my hair?

3) what to use to clarify without stripping my hair?

4) when should i add protein to my regime?

5) should i trim at the moment or wait this my lenght is better?

6) whats the best way to deal with a itchy scalp?

7) how do i use fotki

hope there are some answers for me and i will be checking in daily to keep you all updated, wish me luck :newbie:
First of all WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

If your hair is dry you should try CW daily and sealing it with sometype of butter or scurl.

Other ladies will chime in just be patient.
Hi, FairyHairy

A big welcome to the forum I'm sure you'll get loads of good info here. A good place to start your haircare journey is by reviewing the thread on moisture/protein balance. There are many reasons why your hair could be dry, Are you relaxed? When I first started my hair was also very dry and I found it was because I was using way too much protein and overprocessing. You may also want to consider porosity control. I'm sure others will have more to offer but thats my 2 cents
Hi,and hello

My hair is relaxed, not sure either way so just doing the moisture thing, did a ACV rinse after my deep condition it just left my hair really hard, won't do that again! when i'm air drying my hair feels crunchy:confused:

thanks for the info so far xxx
I'v had a look around the forum and most of my questions are answered just wondering why the lack of replies to my post really want to save my hair and help my sister who is joining me :ohwell: