Locumentary 2 (pic heavy)


Well-Known Member
Hey LHCF...

It's been a long while since I've posted. I know I was suppose to update in two months; let's just say I can't count! :look:

Well, as most of you know, I have already started my loc process. :grin:

Go here to see where I started:


So far so good. It's doing something. :lachen: I have little bulbs at the ends of my hair but not as many as I've had before. My hair gets frizzy quite often, but I don't mind at all. I'm just starting to learn how to style this stuff, but still waiting length. For me, I just let it fly.. It's easier.

For those who don't know, I have naturally fine hair... so I don't anticpate my locs being to much thicker. I'm cool with that as the weight of my hair should be lighter for my locs! :yep:

Maintenance for my hair is simple:

Wash with Peppermint Soap.. very diluted!
No cond
Mix of olive oil, cococut oil and Jbco applied lightly to the scalp and hair
Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel (very lightly) or Queen Helene gel (lightly) to retwist.

Here is an update on my progress. These pics were taken a week after maintenance!












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RockCreak, nice going. And it's odd but the longer they get, the fuller/thicker they look!

I live in twists so I kinda feel like I live in locs (or like to pretend I am :p ) so I totally get the "simple maintenance". I also wasn't expecting them to be this long. Congrats on the progress!
Very nice, yours look very neat like you took time to do it. Can't wait to see your progress in the future. Nice growth from the last thread.
@RockCreak, nice going. And it's odd but the longer they get, the fuller/thicker they look!

I live in twists so I kinda feel like I live in locs (or like to pretend I am :p ) so I totally get the "simple maintenance". I also wasn't expecting them to be this long. Congrats on the progress!

Thanks! I noticed that as they were gettin longer it's getting fuller, its part of "my" process I guess! It's an experiment that's going well for me since I've never had locs before. I like them so they'll be around for quite some time. :rolleyes:
For those who don't know, I have naturally fine hair... so I don't anticpate my locs being to much thicker. I'm cool with that as the weight of my hair should be lighter for my locs!

You have a nice amount of fullness now, but your locs will get bigger over time. This is just the beginning. Congrats on the progress!
Great progress! I have always loved locs and yours look like they are starting their journey well!

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I wanted to throw in some pics of my brother's hair since I'm doing his locs as well!





I braided 3-4 locs together so he'll have that crinkle look. He still has it braided for right now. When he take out the braids, I'll post another update.
You're doing an awesome job on both heads!
I really would love to learn your palmrolling technique. I interlock my son's and hubby's locs b/c I suck at palmrolling. Also, they like to wash their hair often.

How long do you wait to wash after palmrolling?
You're doing an awesome job on both heads!
I really would love to learn your palmrolling technique. I interlock my son's and hubby's locs b/c I suck at palmrolling. Also, they like to wash their hair often.

How long do you wait to wash after palmrolling?

I learnedmy technique from watching YouTube videos. My brother usually gets his redone every 4 - 6 weeks. I use an astringent to clean his scalp in between maintenance.

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