Living life to the fullest vs. living a life of sacrifice

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Is it possible to live life to the fullest (e.g., travel the world, reach your personal/secular goals) and live a life of sacrifice (living modestly, consuming your time with ministry, etc.)?

Interesting topic. I would say yes, if you are doing God's work, I mean really doing what his will is for you, then chances are if that plan includes travel, then you will be able to reach all your goals and you will still have the desire to give and you will be able to . A friend of mine and I were talking about the urge to go beyong tithing and to become sacraficial givers(cheerfully of course) but to learn to not only tithe regurly, but to sow seeds and eventually be in a financial place where we could not just give God back his 10th, but give God the 90(in the form of donations, charities, and gifting to those in need) and be able to live off the 10th
This is my consistent struggle in my faith, because I generally view suffering and sacrifice as something that I dont want anything to do with. I often lean towards living a full life, and sometimes that pulls me away from my faith because it just does not jive with my Baptist/Apostolic upbringing. I am interested in seeing other peoples thoughts on this topic.
I think so - I would pray Proverbs 16:3

Commit your works to the LORD And your plans (and thoughts) will be established.

As you pray I believe God will shape and form your plans to line up with HIS will. In that you should receive ultimate fulfilment while God get's the glory. He has put each and every one of us on the earth for a specific purpose and we will only find peace when we are in line with HIS will in full submission and obedience to HIM.

Thats my two cents.
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Yep! Story of my life. Everything I do, achieve, excel in etc. I always look to God and thank him for it....even when I catch myself smiling or laughing I look up & thank him for good times. I'm committed to my devotion. I have a monthly book that contains a scripture and questions about how that particular word relates to my life and then there is a prayer. I try to do this daily before I go to bed or I'll take it w/me to work. I'm at bible study on Wednesday and church on Sunday faithfully this helps a lot.

What I had to do was write out a list of the top 10 things I wanted most out of life and Journal about achieving them all through God's promise and his will. That way I know how to pray about them and align myself in his will for all those blessings to come to fruition.

For example; #8 to see the world.
Lord how can I use my travels to be glorifying unto you? God I'm thankful that you have blessed me to go and see different parts of your wonderful creation that I can experience right here on earth. I'm blessed to be here and thankful for the ones who have come along w/me. Allow this trip to not only be a token to me of your gratefulness, but allow my destinations to part into others the beauty of travel and the gift of living. Amen

I know I'm rambling here but I'm living a good life, I'm always somewhere but I do my best to pay tithes, fellowship, worship and praise as my #1 priority. I do get nervous at times for having it all; a great social life, close family, wonderful friends, personal freedom and most importantly a close relationship w/him. So far it works for me, I'm happy and I fill as though God has given me something that no man can take away which is being filled w/the Holy Spirit and a feeling of comfort that he has his hands on my life.

Being in a good place w/the Lord requires daily maintenance. I have an IPOD full of spiritual/inspirational songs that I listen to when I work out or if I’m not in the best of moods. It helps to remove some of the debris that clutters my brain throughout the day also. Or past brain mold.
I have been contemplating the same exact thing lately. I haven't committed it to prayer yet, but I'll pray about it and get back to yall to let you know what God said.:yawn:
I think the difference that I have yet to hear is the "sacrifice" aspect. Having faith and professing it/walking in it is different than "sacrifice". Is it necessary to sacrifice, and using the examples of the OP that includes modest living and consuming your free time with ministry....not worship, but ministry out to others. For example, do you minister while on the beach in Cancun or traveling through the South of France? And if so, is that really living modestly? That is how I interpreted the question. I definitely live with faith, tithe, and give praise, worship and all credit for my accomplishments upwards, but am I willing to sacrifice....idk.
I was thinking this in church today. What I was thinking, as I have in the past, of living a lot more modestly. But not because I am sacrificing but because I really don't need it. And yes as speaking as a person who loves to travel, you can travel and when your home do what you do in your ministry. I see people all the time who are dedicated to the church and to living Chirst like. But they still enjoy life. God wants us to enjoy life. I think when you do that and you look to share your time and what you have then really it's not a sacrifice.
I was thinking this in church today. What I was thinking, as I have in the past, of living a lot more modestly. But not because I am sacrificing but because I really don't need it. And yes as speaking as a person who loves to travel, you can travel and when your home do what you do in your ministry. I see people all the time who are dedicated to the church and to living Chirst like. But they still enjoy life. God wants us to enjoy life. I think when you do that and you look to share your time and what you have then really it's not a sacrifice.

I agree and by our enjoying our lives we can serve as better examples to win more souls to the Body. If all of us lived lives like mother theresa and gave every ounce of ourselves, the may be a lot less Christians today. Not because she wasn't a wonderful person, but because people are not interested in serving a God when they initially feel that they can't come as they are or that they have to give up/deny everything that they have or want to have. Our God blesses us abundantly and that is not just materially but in every aspect of our lives so when so when we live for him and even when we do make sacrafices, he keeps us in a place of being able to enjoy what we do. Look at the scriptures, he likes cheerful givers. Not people who complain about giving. When we fast, he wants us to remain upbeat, not complaining about how hungry, weak, tired or how many headaches we may have. Even in sacrafice our focus should be on God's blessings. In abundance, our focus should be on God. When our focus is on God, then we are living life to the fullest.