Little photo update.


New Member
The other night after taking my hair out of my bun I messed around and got a couple of good pictures of my henna'd hair finally. And my NG and the spot in my hair where it grows in a whorl.

That isn't a bald spot it's a cowlick I've had since I was a little kid. If you put your fingers in my hair in that spot you can feel that it naturally grows in a little circular type direction. When my hair is wet it parts there and falls in an odd pattern. And YAY for new growth!


And this is the best shot I've gotten of my hair since I started henna'ing last November. In the sun it's pretty red but I haven't gotten a good shot of that yet.

Sorry it's kind of blurry I'm still getting the hang of taking self portraits.


On the back of my head there where it looks to be sitting in a weird shape my NG is HUGELY fluffy. This picture was taken after having my hair bunned for a couple of days and right before I was going to moisturize.
Thanks ladies :) I'm um, about 6 weeks post with some under processed NG.

I'm shooting to stretch until June hopefully.
Pretty new growth pattern. Take good care of the 'fluffy' area to avoid the dreaded "W". I'm really focused on mine now..didn't know I had that pattern until recently.