Little Lady Pics - Check 'em out!!!


Active Member
Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!


I couldn't make the Dallas meeting today, I had family obligations and committments, but I wanted to show you a couple of my family members with great hair.

I took them to the beauty shop Friday and they got straight hair for the first time. The 7 year old is natural and they 9 year old is texturized. They have long beauty healthy hair. The 7 year old already wants to cut hers. Check out the Little Ladies album.
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

They have some gorgeous hair
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

Wow, they have gorgeous hair and it is thick and even. Do they get their hair trimmed?
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!


They do get trims, but not really regular. They get rare trims. It's hard to trim their hair straight because it's curly and they have been natural. The 9 year old has like 4B texture. The 7 year old has 3C and really needs a good trim, although you can't see it on the photo, she has a lot of split ends.

The stylist wanted to trim Friday when I took them to the salon but I said, "no way". She argued that their hair would not hold the curl but I said it didn't matter, "No trim".
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

Well, their hair is beautiful and I can't spot any splits in that picture!!

What was used to straighten their hair?
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

Very nice hair. Is it pressed out? My little girl has long hair like that, and on the rare occasion it is pressed out like that she is really pleased.
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

We missed you, diamondlady.

Thanks for sharing these new pics. Their hair is pretty!
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

i cant stop looking at their hair. the one in pink is my hair goal, i cant beleive a 7 yr old has hair that gorgeous!
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!


Their hair was flat-ironed. It was a special occasion. Like I said, this is the first time they have EVER had their hair straight. They absolutely loved it and they were just tossing and swinging hair all over the place.

We will definitly have to hide the scissors from the 7 year old. Usually, they wear their hair in braids are pony tails. The 7 year old hates that. If she could wear it straight all the time, she would be happy.
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!


Thanks. I only wish I could have made it. I was looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting the new people but Sunday is never good for me.

I'm sure you had fun and if it was anything like before we'll be having another soon!! I'll make a special effort to show up.
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

Wow!! Their hair is gorgeous!! I can't wait until my hair reaches that thickness. I would be like this:
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

Gorgeous hair. The 9 year old is my goal by the end of this year. The seven year old is my goal for next year.
Re: Little Lady Pics - Check \'em out!!!

Now you got me jealous of some kids. Okay, not really, but they do both have beautiful hair