Little balls of tangles at the end of my hair!


New Member
Does anyone else get these little balls of tangles at the ends of their hair. This has been happening to me lately and there is just no way to get them untangled. I ended up cutting a couple off
Any idea why this is happening. The rest of my hair is usually pretty detangled, but the ends get these weird masses of hair fused together. I don't know what to do
i get them and i just take the section of hair and slowly take it apart. it's usually just 2 or 3 tangled hairs causing the whole mess, so don't be too quick to pick up the scissors
. I know it's annoying put just take your time and most of the hairs will come untangled.
My mom gets alot of them. We kept trimming before cause we thought it was damage but it wasn't. The hair just wraps around itself. I got rid of them by running the hotcomb on just the ends..1x. All the tangles were gone and I didn't have to trim anything.
Yeah, I read that too. That you had to trim it but I wanted to try other methods besides scissors otherwise I would be chopping her hair a lot and she will not be keeping any length. I guess it's up to the individual and what they wish to do about it.
I agree it's just the hair curling back on itself.

I wear braids all the time but I had quite an adventure with my hair a couple of weeks ago when I took some extensions out and decided to have fun with my hair out of braids. Sort of see how well I'd do without braids.

First I got to really see the pen-springs that make up my hair. I absolutely loved them. Confirmed that I have S ringlets and not Z ones like I thought. I also learned that there's so much love between my hair strands.
Not only do the springs contract if you release them from a stretch, but they hug each other too as they contract.
So if I tried to comb, I'd end up with the intertwined springs contracting tighter above the comb => creating knots. The only thing that worked was stretching my hair out with my fingers and then painstakingly separating the strands with my fingers. And I had no knots and no breakage with this method. Sounds like a lot of work I know, but if you knew just how long it's taken to get my hair to where it is, or how thankful I am for my progress, then you'd understand why nothing that's gonna save what I have achieved is too much work for me.

I will say though the experience rekindled my love for braids anew.
Yep, until I can convince Seoul to come and care for my hair or decide I want Alma to coach me on locs, I plan on keeping my tresses in braids till kingdom come.

"Knots? What knots?"
I have found the two biggest culprits by far in forming these balls is a lack of moisture, and hair manipulation. It may not necessarily mean you have to trim. If your hair is curly, the hair will curl back on itself, but you can help keep it from knotting up so much.

I used to get those little balls all the time. I also used to have a really bad problem playing with my hair. My husband observed this, and noticed the balls forming after I had been twisting my hair.

Even if you don't have a problem playing in your hair like I did, regular combing, other manipulation, and even the wind whipping through your hair may be just enough to do damage. The best way to keep your hands (or the air) out of your hair is to put it up. A good alternative is to do as Faith said and mildly press your hair, at least on occasion.

I noticed when I kept my hair religiously moisturized, the balls were almost non-existent. If you already have them in, put conditioner on them, and a glycerin spray like spray like Stay Soft Fro, and gently pick the ends. They will probably quickly come out.

If you still want to wear your hair out and curly, keep your ends thoroughly moist and conditioned, and it will help prevent the little balls as well.
Yes my hair curls back on itself and sometimes forms little balls. Actually I see them every day. Sometimes I can detangle but sometimes I can't....
i get them when i don't comb my hair for a few days. like, if i'm wearing a straight ponytail, i'll only mess with the hair that i'm gathering into the ponytail and not touch the actual hair hanging from the ponytail..i most times take out the rollers and go without combing that hair for a few days at a time. then roll that hair again the next night w/o running a comb thru it. bad habit.
I agree that it has a lot to do with moisture. I used to get these knots every single day until I started using S Curl Moisturizer. Now, I get them only once in a while.
I have been getting these alot lately since I've laid off the heat. But I straightened my hair and it took me forever to pick them all out and theres a few places around my head where the hair broke off to like 5 inches from combing but it's so much easier to manage now that its straight. I'm going to have to abandom the braidouts for a while.
nonie said:
"Knots? What knots?"

[/ QUOTE ]

These knots ova heah!

I've tried extra moisture, braiding at night, hot oil treatments, less manipulation but still these tangle balls mock me.
I wear my hair up in the vaseline bun, so no tangled ends then. HOWEVER, when I'm in the shower washing my hair, the SHED hair collects at the bottom in balls.
I get these a lot when my hair is dry, I noticed that the more moisturizered and soft my hair is the less I get those tangles.