
Well-Known Member
I just heard her new comercial on the radio on the way to work this morning. She talks about growing your own hair up to 24 inches and getting rid of the myths. Her live online show is every Tuesday at 1pm cst to call in and ask guestions. She also has some pretty good tips without having to purchase her products.

Here is the link:
Interesting, for 29.99 she promises to send you her haircare products until you reach you desired length...........
I think Lisa offers some good tips on her youtube site, but her products dont seem too convincing. I typically judge a products potency by the experience of it's users. I can see that Cathy Howse's products & regi worked for her but why doesnt Lisa have hair that's 24 inches long.? Just askin...
I have her book. It's okay but there's nothing new that I haven't already learned on this site.

Lol, yeah this site is probably putting a damper on of peoples businessess:lachen:We got, stylists, chemists, hair doctors, & before & after pics. to track progress. Not to mention the countless success stories.
I think Lisa offers some good tips on her youtube site, but her products dont seem too convincing. I typically judge a products potency by the experience of it's users. I can see that Cathy Howse's products & regi worked for her but why doesnt Lisa have hair that's 24 inches long.? Just askin...

Not to diss her, but those were my exact sentiments.
I think Lisa offers some good tips on her youtube site, but her products dont seem too convincing. I typically judge a products potency by the experience of it's users. I can see that Cathy Howse's products & regi worked for her but why doesnt Lisa have hair that's 24 inches long.? Just askin...

ITA, even if she doesn't like to wear her hair long has anyone ever seen past picks of her with really long hair?
I think Lisa offers some good tips on her youtube site, but her products dont seem too convincing. I typically judge a products potency by the experience of it's users. I can see that Cathy Howse's products & regi worked for her but why doesnt Lisa have hair that's 24 inches long.? Just askin...

I thought the same thing, but maybe she doesn't want her hair that long. She is a trichologist and after 30 years, she better know what she is talking about. But like other posters have said, nothing new.

Although, I am going to read up on SHS (Short Hair Syndrome).
I listen to her radio show sometimes, and I have both of her books. A lot of common sense there. Her products don't matter to me one bit.

But question: If she has 30 yrs of cosmetology, esthetician, and trichology experience, does she really need to have long hair (meaning 24+ inches) in order to talk about healthy hair? Her fro is pretty big ( I think she's transitioning from texlaxed to natural) should that really be important?
I listen to her radio show sometimes, and I have both of her books. A lot of common sense there. Her products don't matter to me one bit.

But question: If she has 30 yrs of cosmetology, esthetician, and trichology experience, does she really need to have long hair (meaning 24+ inches) in order to talk about healthy hair? Her fro is pretty big ( I think she's transitioning from texlaxed to natural) should that really be important?

No she doesn't have to. But unless she has grown 24+ inches, I don't think she should be making those promises. The proof is in the pudding. If she just said "Grow Hair Long" then no one would be questioning her on it. But claiming that she has the secret to growing 24+ inches is a bit iffy when you don't have proof of that.
I ordered some of her products a long time ago, but I guess this is a new site.......let's just say I never received my products but she's didn't take any money out of my account, so I don't!!!! I need more proof.
No she doesn't have to. But unless she has grown 24+ inches, I don't think she should be making those promises. The proof is in the pudding. If she just said "Grow Hair Long" then no one would be questioning her on it. But claiming that she has the secret to growing 24+ inches is a bit iffy when you don't have proof of that.

I see what your saying. But IIRC, the minimum lifespan of a hair is long enough to grow it a minimum of 24 inches, so she's not making things up, y'know? She'll only show you how to maintain the integrity of the hair from a trichologist's perspective. What you do from there is up to you, so how can she be held accountable? Here we are at Long Hair Care Forum, where the object of the game is to grow long hair, but not everyone here will get there :look:, so should we be mad at Beverly if our hair doesn't retain length?
I would hope that with all the information on this board, we know that it's not in the products you use that grow your hair.

Long hair is simply acquiring healthy hair consistenly and accumulating it over a long period of time. We do know that, right? :look:
I think Lisa offers some good tips on her youtube site, but her products dont seem too convincing. I typically judge a products potency by the experience of it's users. I can see that Cathy Howse's products & regi worked for her but why doesnt Lisa have hair that's 24 inches long.? Just askin...

I think the reason why her hair is not 24 inches long is because she just transition from a relaxer a few years back.
I see what your saying. But IIRC, the minimum lifespan of a hair is long enough to grow it a minimum of 24 inches, so she's not making things up, y'know? She'll only show you how to maintain the integrity of the hair from a trichologist's perspective. What you do from there is up to you, so how can she be held accountable? Here we are at Long Hair Care Forum, where the object of the game is to grow long hair, but not everyone here will get there :look:, so should we be mad at Beverly if our hair doesn't retain length?

My only issue with her is stating 24" as the minimum one can expect. That's what I get from her statement "24+". So suppose I did EVERYTHING to the letter as she states and it just so happens I am one of those people with only a 2-year cycle.... And suppose my growth rate is normal 6" a year. I should expect to have 12 inches in 2 years of the strands that would have completed their cycle without any breakage. So 24 might never come to be.

According to the Trichological Society:

Hair Cycle:
Normal hair follicles undergo periods of growth (Anagen) followed by regression (Catagen), resting (Telogen), regenesis ('new' Anagen) with hair shedding.
No hair therefore grows continuously. This hair cycle, which dictates the ultimate hair length attainable by an individual, is explained under the following headings:-

Anagen: The period of follicle regeneration (folliculo-genesis) with active hair growth. (scalp hairs grow for 2-7 years).
Hairs in the anagen phase may grow faster during the early years. Average growth rate is 1-2 cm per month.
Catagen: the preliminary stage of the retrogressive catagen phase. During this changes may occasionally be seen above the skin surface with the naked eye: e.g. loss of pigment and the narrowing of the hairshaft accompanied by a narrowing and eventual loss of the medulla. During this short period of change (approximately 2 weeks) the follicle rests the dermal papilla stops production of new cells, the dentrites and melanocytes contract and melanin production ceases. The follicle and epithelial sheath contract and the hairshaft is ejected.

Telogen: the resting phase of the follicle which lasts for approximately four months. The follicle remains quiescent in its shortened state and awakens to regenerate with the onset of the new Anagen phase.
Exogen: The process of hair shedding. Whereas hairs may be shed at any stage of the cycle, the majority of shedding occurs during the 'new' Anagen phase.
I think if people want to honest with their marketing, they ought to leave out measurements and just state something to the effect of "how to optimize your hair growth"...or something like that. These promises of getting lengths unheard of on earth (<--OK I exaggerate) are not fair. Part of why I was sold on Brenda's regimen ( before I found LHCF is because her photos convinced me she had something good to share. Seeing where she started from and how thick and long her hair had become, I knew she really knew what she was talking about. It was also why I bought Cathy Howse's book.
She's saying that I have to give her $29.99 of my hard earned money until I grow 24 inches of hair? Because that's how I'm reading it. There's no way somebody is doing me a favor if I have to pay. Now if she says "These products are FREE till you grow 24 inches of hair" now we're talking LOL
She's saying that I have to give her $29.99 of my hard earned money until I grow 24 inches of hair? Because that's how I'm reading it. There's no way somebody is doing me a favor if I have to pay. Now if she says "These products are FREE till you grow 24 inches of hair" now we're talking LOL

Umm..... Why would it be free? You can't get something for nothing.
I think Lisa offers some good tips on her youtube site, but her products dont seem too convincing. I typically judge a products potency by the experience of it's users. I can see that Cathy Howse's products & regi worked for her but why doesnt Lisa have hair that's 24 inches long.? Just askin...

I've wondered the same thing, but then I remembered something she said in one of her youtube videos, she said she wanted to go through this process with her clients or something:look:

I would hope that with all the information on this board, we know that it's not in the products you use that grow your hair.

Long hair is simply acquiring healthy hair consistenly and accumulating it over a long period of time. We do know that, right?

Yes Ms. Artemis :-)

I wanna see some clients or herself with results first, then maybe I'll think about it.
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My only issue with her is stating 24" as the minimum one can expect. That's what I get from her statement "24+". So suppose I did EVERYTHING to the letter as she states and it just so happens I am one of those people with only a 2-year cycle.... And suppose my growth rate is normal 6" a year. I should expect to have 12 inches in 2 years of the strands that would have completed their cycle without any breakage. So 24 might never come to be.

According to the Trichological Society:
Hair Cycle:
Normal hair follicles undergo periods of growth (Anagen) followed by regression (Catagen), resting (Telogen), regenesis ('new' Anagen) with hair shedding.
No hair therefore grows continuously. This hair cycle, which dictates the ultimate hair length attainable by an individual, is explained under the following headings:-

Anagen: The period of follicle regeneration (folliculo-genesis) with active hair growth. (scalp hairs grow for 2-7 years).
Hairs in the anagen phase may grow faster during the early years. Average growth rate is 1-2 cm per month.
Catagen: the preliminary stage of the retrogressive catagen phase. During this changes may occasionally be seen above the skin surface with the naked eye: e.g. loss of pigment and the narrowing of the hairshaft accompanied by a narrowing and eventual loss of the medulla. During this short period of change (approximately 2 weeks) the follicle rests the dermal papilla stops production of new cells, the dentrites and melanocytes contract and melanin production ceases. The follicle and epithelial sheath contract and the hairshaft is ejected.
Telogen: the resting phase of the follicle which lasts for approximately four months. The follicle remains quiescent in its shortened state and awakens to regenerate with the onset of the new Anagen phase.
Exogen: The process of hair shedding. Whereas hairs may be shed at any stage of the cycle, the majority of shedding occurs during the 'new' Anagen phase.
I think if people want to honest with their marketing, they ought to leave out measurements and just state something to the effect of "how to optimize your hair growth"...or something like that. These promises of getting lengths unheard of on earth (<--OK I exaggerate) are not fair. Part of why I was sold on Brenda's regimen ( before I found LHCF is because her photos convinced me she had something good to share. Seeing where she started from and how thick and long her hair had become, I knew she really knew what she was talking about. It was also why I bought Cathy Howse's book.

Is this a repeat of what we have learned on here already also?
Is this a repeat of what we have learned on here already also?

I'm not sure I understand your question. If you are asking if both Brenda and Cathy teach what we learn here? Basically! :yep:

ETA: I beg your pardon. I just saw that you highlighted your point of reference. Sorry I missed it the first time.
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I would hope that with all the information on this board, we know that it's not in the products you use that grow your hair.

Long hair is simply acquiring healthy hair consistenly and accumulating it over a long period of time. We do know that, right? :look:

That's it in a nutshell lil sista'! I will say this though, it may not be the products you use that makes your hair grow, but the products you use can cause it to fall out! Maintaining healthy hair is what it's all about!
I like Lisa Akbari - However.... She is giving common sense answers... Lots of Books are out there!

That is good - Because as we are Spoiled ( We have this site) - Lots of women Do not!!!!

So - I am glad her books are out there...
I certainly won't be paying 30 bucks ...But hey - People spend more than 30 bucks at one salon visit...............

After listening to the program....she did do alot of referring to her WEBSITE....

ETA: The Program had a couple of good points.....
"make sure your scalp is clean.... Let hair air dry as much as possible before applying leave ins.... and
Come to my Site and buy my package:rolleyes:...:blah:
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Umm..... Why would it be free? You can't get something for nothing.

Free is good! :grin:

No I'm just saying that what is the big deal about that promotion? That's like Bally's saying "pay us $29.99 until you lose the weight!" Like they're doing you a favor or something.