Liquid Supplements


Well-Known Member
Ok, so popping pills never worked for me. I stopped in the Health Food Store on the way home to take a peek of some supplements. I knew I wanted to start taking something to "support" healthy hair growth, not necessarily looking for something to give me inches per month, nothing too complex. I also have been having skin issues and my nails have always been weak (they are short, soft, break and peal easily). I had decided on a simple regimine of Silica, a good Hair, skin and nails supplement, and multivitamin. I noticed that they had a liquid hair, skin, and nail supplement as well as liquid Silica. The woman at the store told me that liquid form is better because it all gets absorbed into the body where pill supplements can loose some of it's "strength" during the digestive process breaking down the pill. The liquid is definitely more expensive I'm noticing, but I knew swallowing pills wasn't going to work and I'd give it up in 2 weeks, I thought maybe it would be easier to take something in liquid form, putting the bottle next to the juice/water in the fridge so that I can easily remember to take my tablespoon a day with a drink.

If I notice improvement, I'll definitely shop around next time to save a few $$$ on the same products or comparable ones because I see now I could have gotten the one's that I have for a little less than I did at the Health Food Store.

Company website for Liquid Silica

Same Silica @ vitaminshoppe (cheaper)

Liquid Hair, Skin, and Nails Supplement

Is anyone currently taking liquid supplements of ANY kind (not just for hair) and have noticed the difference versus taking pill supplements?

I have BioSil liquid silica. It tastes gross, but it works. I bought some empty gelatin capsules to put it in for when I just can't stomach mixing it in juice.

I used to take liquid aminos (when I was an athlete). I thought they were pretty good. I also used to take liquid omega oils, but I prefer capsule now.
jwhitley6 said:
I have BioSil liquid silica. It tastes gross, but it works. I bought some empty gelatin capsules to put it in for when I just can't stomach mixing it in juice.

I used to take liquid aminos (when I was an athlete). I thought they were pretty good. I also used to take liquid omega oils, but I prefer capsule now.

The Silica I have is Citrus flavored, and I was afraid it would taste disguisting. I acutally put it in my Tropicana Twister and it's not bad at all, I can definitely do this one...

Now the Hair, Skin and Nails one I'm not too sure about, I think I'm supposed to take it straight, and it doesn't look or smell too good, LOL!
I know Candy_C takes liquid Flaxseed oil.

In this thread Edie mentions a liquid supplement called Max Stress B Nano-Plex that made her hair grow faster.
Sherrylove mentions one too in that thread.

I would like to take a liquid supplement too for hair, skin, and nail health. I can't do the pill popping either.
For the UK ladies, Holland & Barrett now do Liquid Aminos (protein) for £12.99 it tastes nasty and needs to be mixed in a tall tall tall glass of orange juice to hide that nasty wild cherry taste.