Liquid or Creamy Leave-In's for Rollersets?


New Member
Just wondering if you all like to have liquid or creamy leave-ins when you rollerset your hair?? Also, why do you prefer one or the other? I guess it's a matter of preference.

I have used both, but lately it's been all creamy (Giovanni's). I don't want my hair to get used to it, so I am going to do a liquid rollerset tonight. I'll post my pics.
Currently both. I just finished my rollerset, and I used a creamy leave-in, then followed with a liquid leave-in spray as my setting agent. (I don't care too much for setting lotions/creams unless I'm doing a "hard" set.)

I'm wating for my Giovanni Leave-In to arrive, so this may change once I get my hands on the good stuff!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Actually I use both, first my liquid leave-in either Biolage Fortifying Leave-In Treatment or Clairol Herbal Essence Leave-In and then I apply my creamy leave-in----GIOVANNI Direct / Nexxus Headdress or RUSK Smoother. I always do it this way. I kind of got it from dontspeakdefeat's album...One leave in to fortify / strength / vitamins and the other leave-in for moisture and continuous conditioning. My final step in my rollerset is LOTTABODY all over my hair (the last product applied before actually rollersetting) .... I know--a lot of steps and a lot of products. This works well for my rollersets. I have been doing my rollersets this way since I found LHCF.