Lipolean Injections = Growth Surge?


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,
I recently began taking weekly shots of LipoLean, which I purchased through a Groupon special. The specials are usually accompanied with a supply of Phentermine (which I politely turned down) and are advertised as Weight Loss Specials for those who may be interested. Anyway, to briefly explain Lipolean is an injection of vitamin B12 and amino acids (specifically Leucine and Proline which are involved mostly in muscle protein building). The science is that by injecting B12 intramuscularly, your body will utilize more of the compound as opposed to taking B12 or any B-complex orally. B vitamins are water soluble therefore you will absorb what you need and urinate out the rest but by taking it IM then there is a better chance you absorb more which will elevate your metabolism (all in theory). Anyway, the "science" made sense to me and I decided to try it...I was really scared at first but after doing a little research it seemed "safe" to me. I wouldn't touch Phentermine with a 10-foot pole though. But, I digress...onto the results I'm noticing.

This is my third week and not only do I notice a tremendous increase in my energy level and even my weight loss...I feel like I've gotten a growth surge. I was just commenting to my girlfriend that I feel like I have a LOT of new growth already. I'm only four weeks post but when I touch my new growth it feels like 6 or 7 weeks of NG. After thinking about it, it hit me that the LL injections may be the cause. I've been airdrying so it is difficult to determine, but I swear I feel more kinks and coils than I normally do at four weeks post. I should include that I've also been drinking protein shakes 4-5x per week just to give all pertinent info. Has anyone else taken lipolean injections and/or noticed a growth surge with it? If that IS the case, what a freakin pleasant surprise! :grin::yep:
Never heard of that but I do believe that a lifestyle change will increase hair growth. More exercise, eating more protein, drinking more water, vitamins, etc. All that comes into play.

Congrats on the hair growth and keep us posted.
Hmm I used to get the b-12 shots for weightloss..that was over a year ago tho and I don't remember faster hair growth or anything. But if its true I wouldn't mind getting the shots
Girl you gonna have LHCF members shooting up like junkies to get hair growth after posting this!:lachen:
LittleLuxe:lachen::lachen::lachen: I didn't think about that! But that wasn't my intention. I'll definitely continue to track and give an update at the end of the year.

Never heard of that but I do believe that a lifestyle change will increase hair growth. More exercise, eating more protein, drinking more water, vitamins, etc. All that comes into play.

Congrats on the hair growth and keep us posted.
Lynnerie - thanks for your feedback and I agree!!! The only other time I got more than my average was when I was using the BM growth serum regularly but I was also working out and drinking protein and lots of water. BUT, I will say that once I stopped using the growth serum my growth was "normal" again even though my diet and exercise hadn't changed. That being said even IF I do get a growth spurt I won't be able to contribute it to the injections alone considering my diet has improved drastically and I've started working out again. But I will be back at the end of the year for an update, I'm a picture junkie so we'll let the photos be the judge! :yep:

Hmm I used to get the b-12 shots for weightloss..that was over a year ago tho and I don't remember faster hair growth or anything. But if its true I wouldn't mind getting the shots
ashleymichelle1 - How long did you get them and did they help you to lose weight and more importantly did you notice that you lost inches? Just curious for how successful they are with aiding in weight loss. I will say part of it is "mind over matter" - like because I KNOW I'm getting these shots I have been way better with diet and exercise but so far I'm losing more weight in a week than I do with diet and exercise alone.
The growth surge could be due to the ingredients in the injections. But how do you know it's not similar to what happens to a dead body (where fluid and fat are lost, the skin tightens, and the hair and nails "appear" to actually grow)? The growth surge could also be due to you working out (increased circulation), and you having a healthier diet. Those are 2 major things that women note to cause increases in hair growth.

Of course, in weight loss, fluid and fat are lost, which could make the skin tighter, and give the ILLUSION of growth. I think people should consider this fact before jumping on an INJECTION, which is not the same as taking a supplement or vitamin. I am not desperate to lose weight and actually want to gain some. This is one thing I would not try!

I would say a strict controlled experiment or a statement from the manufacturer and those who conducted the clinical trials would be needed for thorough proof. It is more than likely the protein shakes...I significantly increased my growth by adding more protein to my diet. Congrats on the hair growth though! :yep:
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I took the shots for a couple months...I did lose alot of weight but I also cut out carbs & sugar and was working out about an hour everyday..I eventually stopped taking them and I still lost weight. I really dont know if the shots helped much..I honestly would attribute my weightloss to my strict diet..
I just stuck my head in to say "woot woot"! Go Ebony, get cha Growth spurt!!!!!!


Leaves thread to research shots................

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
I took the shots for a couple months...I did lose alot of weight but I also cut out carbs & sugar and was working out about an hour everyday..I eventually stopped taking them and I still lost weight. I really dont know if the shots helped much..I honestly would attribute my weightloss to my strict diet..
ashleymichelle1 - thanks for your response. I am thinking its the same thing with me. I do notice increased energy but also because I am getting them, I'm motivated to work out hard.

I just stuck my head in to say "woot woot"! Go Ebony, get cha Growth spurt!!!!!!


Leaves thread to research shots................

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!

havilland - :lachen: girl, we will see you know I need a spurt!!! *currently prepooing* lol.
I've never heard of this shot. Is is something new, since it's on Groupon I would think yes?

Glad you are seeing the results you want.