Like my length, dislike my dry ends - what to do?


Well-Known Member
Hey Girls,

I am just so torn over whether or not to get a trim or try to do something with these dry ends of mine. As the weather gets colder here (Canada) I've noticed my scalp getting itchy and flaking and my end are looking really dry.

A week ago I made the mistake of blowdrying then flat ironing my hair to go out with some friends (neither of which I do very often). I'm just wondering if I've totally ruined my hair now. I swear I will never use the evil blow dryer or flat iron again!

So, I'm just wondering if you all thing it's worth a try to save my hair by finding a great product or just get the trim...I'm leaning towards the trim, but I'm afraid to let anyone near it. <sigh> what's a long hair junkie like me to do???
Recently, I was suffering with dry ends and split ends. I got the split ends cut. I started noticing the dry ends. Then I started wearing buns, tucking my ends under, and using curl activator (paying special attention to the ends). I was surprised to find that the dryness went away. My hair started feeling soft and moisturized on the ends. It was no longer necessary to cut the ends.
Give the ends a lot of moisture and watch them over the next couple of weeks. If they don't improve, then a trim may be in order! good luck!
I agree with diamond lady, just pay special attention to your ends. And no blowdrying your haor once in a while will not ruin it. I know some ladies use distilled water and then seal the ends with some oil. I use bottle water b/c thats more convenient for me and then I seal with hot six oil. My ends have not been perfect but I have NO split ends now. I hope that helped.
I would say deep condition, maybe do a protein treatment, and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!! You might want to wear a baggie on your ends or a plastic cap on your entire head for few weeks. If your ends don't improve by then, then I would say lightly dust the ends.

I am also in Canada.Previously my hair would break off reall bad for the 2 winters I have been here for.This is the first winter I am trying my new regime(I discovered this board in May)I plan to do the baggie technique when it gets really bad.I dont want the same thing to happen 3 times in a row.
Where in Ontario are you?I am in Kitchener
Although I haven't done so since May, I think blowdrying every once in a while won't hurt (I don't know much about flat ironing). But it's most important to keep those ends well moisturized at all times - even several times each day in that cold weather. You may not need to trim at all.
i don't thin you ruin your hair at all when you blow dry or flat iron it every now and then. if your ends are VERY dry and don't look healthy then a trim would be best. after the trim you should deep condition a lot and try to wear your hair in a bun a lot so the ends stay moisturized. also, try to oil your ends every day in the morning before you style your hair.
Thank you ladies!

You all are amazing...

Woo hoo, no trimming for me just yet, I guess. I will definitely look into the baggie technique. I can't see how that wouldn't works -- seems fool proof! However if my hair really has reached the point of no return that I will have to find someone to, as somone wrote; lightly dust the ends.

Thanks again, ladies...I know my hair insn't super duper long, but it so close to the tip of my bra strap I can almost feel it
I do know that it's best to have long HEALTHY hair, not long, dry, scraggly hair

Oh, one more thing: are you guys saying that it would be okay for me to blow dry my hair say every other week so I can wear it down for church??? DH hates my buns, and says it's gonna make me bald.
I should let it down once in a while, I guess...
Variety is good...there is nothing wrong with wearing your hair down every couple of weeks, or even once a week, IMO, if done correctly. When you wear it down just make sure it is moisturized really well.

I have had the same exact problem. I took some braids out and relaxed my hair. My hair was great in length, but the ends were extremely dry. I went to JCPenny's Salon to get my hair deep conditioned, it worked. The lady who did my hair told me that I needed to get my ends trimmed really bad. Obviously I didn't listen to her. I went home and three days later I tried a split end treatment that consisted of honey, olive oil and egg yolk. I also deep conditioned my hair until it was back to healthy condition. You can find some good treatments on this web site:
Thanks for the link.

A lot of times I feel like we look at our ends and they look damaged/split, but they are just dry. A good conditioner can work wonders!!

I agree, and Redken Extreme line (esp. Anti-Snap) will do wonders to distressed hair. When I took my flat twists out and used it my hair looked even better.
all i can say is a roller set and some serum or oil applied before you wrap your hair. My hair ends stay silky and shiny for the entire week and i dont apply anything really to my ends. I get a wash and set once a week and apply some serum on my maybe 2or 3 days out of the week and voila !
I have to with the ladies on moisturizing the ends. I trimmed my hair, but my ends were dry as heck. I stated moisturizing them morning and evening.

I wear my hair in a french twist or bun 99% of the time for work. I like to rollerset and wear out for church, then back up it goes.

I blew dry my hair yesterday and used a curling iron to see how it looked, my hair looked wonderful and my ends were no longer dry as heck.

So, its working...

I noticed that my ends look better when I've used a curling iron as opposed to just air-drying and leaving it like that. I wonder why that is. Does anyone know?
Maybe the heat straightens the frizzy hair. When I used to get my hair pressed, it looked like a totally different head of hair.

When I first took out my braids and got a relaxer my ends felt like straw and were HARD HARD HARD! I was thinking about a trim but before I even had money to pick up some scissors, I saw a MAJOR improvement from condiitoning washes, moisturizing daily, leave ins, light oils, and protective styles. I absoulutely pay attention to my ends more than anywhere else on my head. Thats where I start when I condition. And after a little while, I forgot that my ends ever were hard (in fact I'm just remembering) I'm still do for a trim because I can't remember the last time I had one, but my ends are feeling just as good as the rest of my hair.
Supergirl, I don't know exactly the answer to your question, but I've found that heat appliances give my hair the appearance of looking healther. Smoother, shinier, etc.
shinyblackhair said:
... As the weather gets colder here (Canada) I've noticed my scalp getting itchy and flaking and my end are looking really dry.

[/ QUOTE ]

I too live in a place known for its extremely cold, extremely dry wintertime climate. Shinyblackhair, have you tried spritzing with distilled water and ACV rinses? Taking evening primrose oil or flax seed oil may help regulate your scalp too.